I'm swimming through licorice jello - where to start?

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New Member
I don't know where to start, where to go to learn. I want a circuit/microprocessor that will alternate a single trigger event (I don't even know if I am using the right words) between two identical strobes.

I have two photo strobes. Each can be fired individually via a PC cord but how might I alternate my camera between them automatically... tic, tok, tic, tok? And to increase the level of complexity, I would like to flip a switch and have both fire on the same event.

It may be obvious but this is causing me a major headache.

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just procure a 3 position rotary switch or slide switch, 2 diodes (1n4001 should handle??)need to know amt of current but should do the job.
some wire and your in bussiness
a rotary switch would be easier to mount than a slide switch


  • strobe ctr.PNG
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trying searching for flip-flop ic's they come in single and dual package can press one button to fire one flash press it again will fire the other some work will have to be done to trigger both off the one switch but you will need a reset for this to. if you want more info send a msg

Thank you. I will most certainly be PM'ing you but I need to climb a learning curve so as to ask the most intelligent questions that I can.
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