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Implementation of microcontroller it's incorrect

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New Member
I'm trying to build a graphic display thermometer in Proteus, with an LM35 sensor using the ATmega 164 microcontroller.

My problem is that I don't know how to connect the temperature sensor to the microcontroller. I'm also trying to program it using the COdeVisionAVR, but it doesn't allow me to write the code manually. What can I do?

  • What am I doing wrong?
  • Are the wires connected OK? If not, why?
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Here it's the code for microcontroller:
#include <mega164a.h>

#include <delay.h>

// Alphanumeric LCD functions
#include <alcd.h>
 #include <stdio.h>  
 #include "defs.h"
// Declare your global variables here
// Voltage Reference: 1.1V, cap. on AREF
#define ADC_VREF_TYPE ((1<<REFS1) | (0<<REFS0) | (1<<ADLAR))

// Read the 8 most significant bits
// of the AD conversion result
unsigned char read_adc(unsigned char adc_input)
ADMUX=adc_input | ADC_VREF_TYPE;
// Delay needed for the stabilization of the ADC input voltage
// Start the AD conversion
// Wait for the AD conversion to complete
while ((ADCSRA & (1<<ADIF))==0);
return ADCH;

void main(void)
// Declare your local variables here
// Crystal Oscillator division factor: 1
#pragma optsize-
CLKPR=(0<<CLKPCE) | (0<<CLKPS3) | (0<<CLKPS2) | (0<<CLKPS1) | (0<<CLKPS0);
#pragma optsize+

// Input/Output Ports initialization
// Port A initialization
// Function: Bit7=In Bit6=In Bit5=In Bit4=In Bit3=In Bit2=In Bit1=In Bit0=In 
DDRA=(0<<DDA7) | (0<<DDA6) | (0<<DDA5) | (0<<DDA4) | (0<<DDA3) | (0<<DDA2) | (0<<DDA1) | (0<<DDA0);
// State: Bit7=T Bit6=T Bit5=T Bit4=T Bit3=T Bit2=T Bit1=T Bit0=T 
PORTA=(0<<PORTA7) | (0<<PORTA6) | (0<<PORTA5) | (0<<PORTA4) | (0<<PORTA3) | (0<<PORTA2) | (0<<PORTA1) | (0<<PORTA0);

// Port B initialization
// Function: Bit7=In Bit6=In Bit5=In Bit4=In Bit3=In Bit2=In Bit1=In Bit0=In 
DDRB=(0<<DDB7) | (0<<DDB6) | (0<<DDB5) | (0<<DDB4) | (0<<DDB3) | (0<<DDB2) | (0<<DDB1) | (0<<DDB0);
// State: Bit7=T Bit6=T Bit5=T Bit4=T Bit3=T Bit2=T Bit1=T Bit0=T 
PORTB=(0<<PORTB7) | (0<<PORTB6) | (0<<PORTB5) | (0<<PORTB4) | (0<<PORTB3) | (0<<PORTB2) | (0<<PORTB1) | (0<<PORTB0);

// Port C initialization
// Function: Bit7=In Bit6=In Bit5=In Bit4=In Bit3=In Bit2=In Bit1=In Bit0=In 
DDRC=(0<<DDC7) | (0<<DDC6) | (0<<DDC5) | (0<<DDC4) | (0<<DDC3) | (0<<DDC2) | (0<<DDC1) | (0<<DDC0);
// State: Bit7=T Bit6=T Bit5=T Bit4=T Bit3=T Bit2=T Bit1=T Bit0=T 
PORTC=(0<<PORTC7) | (0<<PORTC6) | (0<<PORTC5) | (0<<PORTC4) | (0<<PORTC3) | (0<<PORTC2) | (0<<PORTC1) | (0<<PORTC0);

// Port D initialization
// Function: Bit7=In Bit6=In Bit5=In Bit4=In Bit3=In Bit2=In Bit1=In Bit0=In 
DDRD=(0<<DDD7) | (0<<DDD6) | (0<<DDD5) | (0<<DDD4) | (0<<DDD3) | (0<<DDD2) | (0<<DDD1) | (0<<DDD0);
// State: Bit7=T Bit6=T Bit5=T Bit4=T Bit3=T Bit2=T Bit1=T Bit0=T 
PORTD=(0<<PORTD7) | (0<<PORTD6) | (0<<PORTD5) | (0<<PORTD4) | (0<<PORTD3) | (0<<PORTD2) | (0<<PORTD1) | (0<<PORTD0);

// Timer/Counter 0 initialization
// Clock source: System Clock
// Clock value: Timer 0 Stopped
// Mode: Normal top=0xFF
// OC0A output: Disconnected
// OC0B output: Disconnected
TCCR0A=(0<<COM0A1) | (0<<COM0A0) | (0<<COM0B1) | (0<<COM0B0) | (0<<WGM01) | (0<<WGM00);
TCCR0B=(0<<WGM02) | (0<<CS02) | (0<<CS01) | (0<<CS00);

// Timer/Counter 1 initialization
// Clock source: System Clock
// Clock value: Timer1 Stopped
// Mode: Normal top=0xFFFF
// OC1A output: Disconnected
// OC1B output: Disconnected
// Noise Canceler: Off
// Input Capture on Falling Edge
// Timer1 Overflow Interrupt: Off
// Input Capture Interrupt: Off
// Compare A Match Interrupt: Off
// Compare B Match Interrupt: Off
TCCR1A=(0<<COM1A1) | (0<<COM1A0) | (0<<COM1B1) | (0<<COM1B0) | (0<<WGM11) | (0<<WGM10);
TCCR1B=(0<<ICNC1) | (0<<ICES1) | (0<<WGM13) | (0<<WGM12) | (0<<CS12) | (0<<CS11) | (0<<CS10);

// Timer/Counter 2 initialization
// Clock source: System Clock
// Clock value: Timer2 Stopped
// Mode: Normal top=0xFF
// OC2A output: Disconnected
// OC2B output: Disconnected
ASSR=(0<<EXCLK) | (0<<AS2);
TCCR2A=(0<<COM2A1) | (0<<COM2A0) | (0<<COM2B1) | (0<<COM2B0) | (0<<WGM21) | (0<<WGM20);
TCCR2B=(0<<WGM22) | (0<<CS22) | (0<<CS21) | (0<<CS20);

// Timer/Counter 0 Interrupt(s) initialization
TIMSK0=(0<<OCIE0B) | (0<<OCIE0A) | (0<<TOIE0);

// Timer/Counter 1 Interrupt(s) initialization
TIMSK1=(0<<ICIE1) | (0<<OCIE1B) | (0<<OCIE1A) | (0<<TOIE1);

// Timer/Counter 2 Interrupt(s) initialization
TIMSK2=(0<<OCIE2B) | (0<<OCIE2A) | (0<<TOIE2);

// External Interrupt(s) initialization
// INT0: Off
// INT1: Off
// INT2: Off
// Interrupt on any change on pins PCINT0-7: Off
// Interrupt on any change on pins PCINT8-15: Off
// Interrupt on any change on pins PCINT16-23: Off
// Interrupt on any change on pins PCINT24-31: Off
EICRA=(0<<ISC21) | (0<<ISC20) | (0<<ISC11) | (0<<ISC10) | (0<<ISC01) | (0<<ISC00);
EIMSK=(0<<INT2) | (0<<INT1) | (0<<INT0);
PCICR=(0<<PCIE3) | (0<<PCIE2) | (0<<PCIE1) | (0<<PCIE0);

// USART0 initialization
// USART0 disabled
UCSR0B=(0<<RXCIE0) | (0<<TXCIE0) | (0<<UDRIE0) | (0<<RXEN0) | (0<<TXEN0) | (0<<UCSZ02) | (0<<RXB80) | (0<<TXB80);

// USART1 initialization
// USART1 disabled
UCSR1B=(0<<RXCIE1) | (0<<TXCIE1) | (0<<UDRIE1) | (0<<RXEN1) | (0<<TXEN1) | (0<<UCSZ12) | (0<<RXB81) | (0<<TXB81);

// Analog Comparator initialization
// Analog Comparator: Off
// The Analog Comparator's positive input is
// connected to the AIN0 pin
// The Analog Comparator's negative input is
// connected to the AIN1 pin
ACSR=(1<<ACD) | (0<<ACBG) | (0<<ACO) | (0<<ACI) | (0<<ACIE) | (0<<ACIC) | (0<<ACIS1) | (0<<ACIS0);
// Digital input buffer on AIN0: On
// Digital input buffer on AIN1: On
DIDR1=(0<<AIN0D) | (0<<AIN1D);

// ADC initialization
// ADC Clock frequency: 625.000 kHz
// ADC Voltage Reference: 1.1V, cap. on AREF
// ADC Auto Trigger Source: Free Running
// Only the 8 most significant bits of
// the AD conversion result are used
// Digital input buffers on ADC0: On, ADC1: On, ADC2: On, ADC3: On
// ADC4: On, ADC5: On, ADC6: On, ADC7: On
DIDR0=(0<<ADC7D) | (0<<ADC6D) | (0<<ADC5D) | (0<<ADC4D) | (0<<ADC3D) | (0<<ADC2D) | (0<<ADC1D) | (0<<ADC0D);
ADCSRA=(1<<ADEN) | (0<<ADSC) | (1<<ADATE) | (0<<ADIF) | (0<<ADIE) | (1<<ADPS2) | (0<<ADPS1) | (1<<ADPS0);
ADCSRB=(0<<ADTS2) | (0<<ADTS1) | (0<<ADTS0);

// SPI initialization
// SPI disabled
SPCR=(0<<SPIE) | (0<<SPE) | (0<<DORD) | (0<<MSTR) | (0<<CPOL) | (0<<CPHA) | (0<<SPR1) | (0<<SPR0);

// TWI initialization
// TWI disabled
TWCR=(0<<TWEA) | (0<<TWSTA) | (0<<TWSTO) | (0<<TWEN) | (0<<TWIE);

// Alphanumeric LCD initialization
// Connections are specified in the
// Project|Configure|C Compiler|Libraries|Alphanumeric LCD menu:
// RS - PORTC Bit 0
// RD - PORTC Bit 1
// EN - PORTC Bit 2
// D4 - PORTC Bit 4
// D5 - PORTC Bit 5
// D6 - PORTC Bit 6
// D7 - PORTC Bit 7
// Characters/line: 20
//char arr[11]="0123456789";
// display the message
lcd_putsf("Temp is:");
lcd_putsf("? 13 A3 "); 
printf("\r\nSwVersion:%d.%d\r\n", SW_VERSION/10, SW_VERSION%10);

while (1)
      // Place your code here
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A)... your code looks like MikroC... B) you declare the LCD bits AFTER you initialize the LCD..

I tried to go through your code, but gave up..
Please check the edited version, I've done it now, sorry for messy code. I'm using CodeVisionAVR not MikroC
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You have to connect the LM35 with supply an Connect the Output pin to one of the ADC Pins of Controller.
I would do a 1k Resistor between the Sensor an the Controller pin. An little Capacitator between ADC in and GND would be a good Idea.
Additional You have to Connect the AVCC pin with an 10µH Coil to VCC ( Look Datasheet ).
An 10 ... 100 nF Capacitator has to connect between AREF and GND.
That's all to make the A/D Converter functionally with Your Configuration.

When Call the read_adc Routine it will give You back the ADC Result of the used A/D Channel.
You have to compute this to get °C or °F results.
The A/D have 1024 Steps ( 10Bit ) Your used reference is 1.1V so one step is 1.1/1024V = 1.07mV ( described in Datasheet ) per Step.
The rest is simple Math.
Voltages above 1.1V do not give proper results!
I would programming an Adjust Routine into Your programm to egalize the Error of the LM35 and increase precision of Measuring.
The calibration Values can be stored into EEPROM of the Controller and read out at any start of the Controller
You have to connect the LM35 with supply an Connect the Output pin to one of the ADC Pins of Controller.
I would do a 1k Resistor between the Sensor an the Controller pin. An little Capacitator between ADC in and GND would be a good Idea.
Additional You have to Connect the AVCC pin with an 10µH Coil to VCC ( Look Datasheet ).
An 10 ... 100 nF Capacitator has to connect between AREF and GND.
That's all to make the A/D Converter functionally with Your Configuration.

When Call the read_adc Routine it will give You back the ADC Result of the used A/D Channel.
You have to compute this to get °C or °F results.
The A/D have 1024 Steps ( 10Bit ) Your used reference is 1.1V so one step is 1.1/1024V = 1.07mV ( described in Datasheet ) per Step.
The rest is simple Math.
Voltages above 1.1V do not give proper results!
I would programming an Adjust Routine into Your programm to egalize the Error of the LM35 and increase precision of Measuring.
The calibration Values can be stored into EEPROM of the Controller and read out at any start of the Controller
I've edited the scheme now, please see the new one
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I've not used the atmega or the simulator but it looks like the ADC is on portA only.

I can't see any change at the Schematic?!
The complete Supply Pins ( VCC and GND ) are missing?!
The Reset pin has to be pulled up to VCC with an 10k Resistor, cause it will be used for ISP programming.
The ATMEGA has one 10Bit A/D - Coverter with an 8 Port Multiplexer at it's input.
So any Port of PORTA can be used.
In CodeVision the wished input hat to be send into the function call.
result = read_adc(0); // Read the A/D Result of PINA.0

Your initialaisation of Your LCD is an emty hull.
The used PORT has to be defined ( Look into the Help of CodeVision ).
E.g. look here
Your Controller would do nearly Nothing because there is no Code in Main Loop.
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