In need of feedback about some general test equipment

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Hey guys, I was recently thinking about the tools I design for personal use and thought that perhaps I should expand and offer them to others at a low cost.

I wanted to get a better idea of what some of you guys value in test equipment and tools before I commit any serious work into making them "everyone" friendly. So i have made a short 10 question survey, If you have a minute or two to answer it, that would not only help me, but would eventually help in creating a better product for everyone to use and enjoy.
Thanks! If you have other comments post them here.
I took your survey, but your text fields should just be labeled Comments. I didn't know if I hit a button whould you see the Text field?
In that case, if I needed to comment, I didn't select a response but added it into the comment field.

Kinda assuming Radio buttons of A,B,C,D and other

and not A,B,C,D and Additional Comments
Your survey needs to be more market specific. Your questions were too broad based on the user base of this forum. i.e. hobbiest, engineer/techs. Savvy?

As an engineer, my budget would allow me to purchase top of the line gear, while as a hobbiest I would settle for much less. Get my meaning. Savvy?

You can also build some of your own test gear. I did that for years. That not only gives you the test equipment, but teaches you a lot about how test equipment is made and what it takes to make measurements.
Thanks Mikebits! I know my survey is broad, i wanted a general idea of a couple things so I could have a better direction for the future. I don't want the elctro-tech forums to be full of surveys, especially since no one likes to do surveys in the first place (i know this because of the number or responses i got)...
I felt sorry for your poor response so I completed your survey.

Generally, I buy high grade commercial equipment which is past its "first flush of youth".
That way I get good quality and performance at a hobby price, the down side is that I may have to repair it now and again.

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