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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

Inchworm adapter bd

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New Member
Please look over this rough schematic. This is my take on an adapter board taken off the firefly schematic. I hope this works. I just need it to program the 16F628A for now and don't need the "debugger". (not an EE) The hex code is already done, just have to load it up.

Oh, that 40pin is a 40p zif and the 3 pin header is for 8-18 pin pic's and 28-40 pin pic's for VPP.



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If it's from the Firefly shematic it'll work, I like the 40,20 pin jumper idea neat.

PS it can program the 20pin PICs in the 18 pin mode.

PPS add a 0.1uf cap on the power, won't hurt.

Suggest optionally the 40pin VPP could be hard wired, the 8-20 pin chips will never see it. So a simple switch or jumper would be all you need on the 8-20 VPP.
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Finshed assembling my Inchworm

Well, I've finished my Inchworm - looks good even for a hack like me (non EE).

I also built an adapter board for maybe when I graduate to other Pic's (wishful thinking) schematic is on the first post, with the board. Oh yeah, William, I added a cap .1uf as you suggested - it's on the backside.

So with my new programmer and adapter bd I tred it out. Followed William's hello world instructions and got this failed message. HELP :confused: I've followed the instructions as closely as I could, but I'm still lost.

With the power applied, (13v dc wallwart) the power led comes on and my adapter led comes on (means that I got some power to the board anyway). I'm trying to program a 16F628A with this asm. I also have the hex file that has already been comverted.

This is the error msg:

Connecting to MPLAB ICD 2
ICD0019: Communications: Failed to open port: (Windows::GetLastError() = 0x2, 'The system cannot find the file specified.
ICD0021: Unable to connect with MPLAB ICD 2
ICDWarn0034: Please ensure that your system's serial FIFO buffers are disabled.
Connecting to MPLAB ICD 2
ICDWarn0054: MPLAB IDE has lost communications with the MPLAB ICD 2. Would you like to attempt to reconnect?
Connecting to MPLAB ICD 2
ICD0021: Unable to connect with MPLAB ICD 2

Clean: Deleting intermediary and output files.
Clean: Deleted file "C:\Documents and Settings\jahilee\My Documents\New Folder\ingrid.asm.mcs".
Clean: Done.
Executing: "d:\Microchip\MPASM Suite\MPAsmWin.exe" /q /p16F628A "ingrid.asm" /l"ingrid.lst" /e"ingrid.err"
Halting build on first failure as requested.
BUILD FAILED: Sun May 06 00:50:56 2007

My interpetation is that from #1 - to beginning of #4, in your hello world instructions, the Inchworm is NOT connected till #4b - where it says to "connect" (Inchworm Busy LED should flash) it doesn't but it does lit up when power is applied.



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Hee's a copy of the asm I'm trying to load up:

processor p16f628a
LIST p=p16f628a
LIST n=0
LIST r=hex
LIST st=on
LIST f=inhx8m

; DAC control bits
#define mswitch PORTA,0x05
#define hswitch PORTA,0x07
#define gridmsb PORTA,0x06
#define gridm2sb PORTB,0x02
#define _segper PORTB,0x07
#define gridpar grid,0x00
#define grswap grtmp,0x00
#define _is_pm ampm,0x00
#define _is_50 clkconfig,0x07

; A<0:3>,B<4:7> - segments
; A<4> - 60Hz inputs
; A<5> - grid MSB
; A<6:7> - min:hr inputs
; B<0:2> - grid LSBs
; B<3> - PWM out

; 0x70 through 0x7f are mapped in all banks
segsave EQU 0x60
seg2save EQU 0x61
sixtcnt EQU 0x62
ampm EQU 0x63
mswcnt EQU 0x70
hswcnt EQU 0x71
sixt EQU 0x72
seconds EQU 0x73
minutes EQU 0x74
hours EQU 0x75
grid EQU 0x76
sectmp EQU 0x77
mintmp EQU 0x78
hrtmp EQU 0x79
grtmp EQU 0x7A
clkconfig EQU 0x7B
dot1 EQU 0x7C
dot2 EQU 0x7D
dot3 EQU 0x7E
dot4 EQU 0x7F

ORG 0x00
; initial setup
bcf STATUS,RP0 ; bank 0
bcf STATUS,RP1 ; ...
clrf PORTA ; clear port A
goto $ + 0x02 ; (jump over the interrupt vector)
goto intrh ; (interrupt vector)
clrf PORTB ; clear port B
movlw 0x07 ; move 0x07...
movwf CMCON ; ...into cmcon to turn off comparators

bsf STATUS,RP0 ; bank 1
bsf PCON,OSCF ; osc=4MHz
movlw 0xB0 ; a<7,5:4>
movwf TRISA ; are inputs
movlw 0xF7 ; RB3 is output,
movwf TRISB ; rest is input (for now)
movlw 0x28 ; move 0xA8...
movwf OPTION_REG ; into OPTION => pullups enabled, RB4 to TMR0, prescaler assigned to WDT
; set up PWM
movlw 0x0F ; 0x0E goes into...
movwf PR2 ; ...pr2 => (14+1)*4*Tosc = 200/3 kHz
bsf PIE1,TMR2IE ; enable timer2 interrupt

bcf STATUS,RP0 ; bank 0
clrf CCPR1L ; clear duty cycle for now (set below)
movlw 0x0F ; 0x0F goes into...
movwf CCP1CON ; ...ccp1con => cp1x=cp1y=0, PWM mode on
movlw 0x7C ; 0x7C goes into...
movwf T2CON ; ...t2con => 1/16 postscaler, 1:1 prescaler, t2 on
; clear memory locations we'll be using
clrf segsave
clrf seg2save
clrf sixtcnt
clrf ampm
clrf mswcnt
clrf hswcnt
clrf sixt
clrf seconds
clrf minutes
clrf hours
clrf grid
clrf sectmp
clrf mintmp
clrf hrtmp
clrf grtmp
clrf clkconfig
clrf dot1
clrf dot2
clrf dot3
clrf dot4

; do configuration stuff
btfsc PORTB,0x06 ; if RB6 is high
goto readconfig ; no resistor is installed, so we are in EEPROM setup mode
movf PORTB,w ; otherwise, read in the PORTB value
xorlw 0xFF ; invert the value (resistor installed = 0, want 1)
andlw 0xB7 ; kill the values of RB6 and RB3 (these should always be zero)
movwf clkconfig ; this is the clock configuration word
goto docfgsetup ; now we're ready to set up the part

; read config word from EEPROM since we're not in resistor mode
bsf STATUS,RP0 ; bank 1
movlw 0x3F ; address 63
movwf EEADR ; into the EEPROM address register
bsf EECON1,RD ; read the data
movf EEDATA,w ; read the config word
movwf clkconfig ; write it to clkconfig
bcf STATUS,RP0 ; bank 0
; now check status buttons for config updates
btfss mswitch ; if the minutes button is being pushed
bsf mswcnt,0x00 ; save the push state
btfss hswitch ; if the hours button is being pushed
bsf mswcnt,0x01 ; save the push state
movf mswcnt,w ; load the button config
btfsc STATUS,Z ; if no buttons were pushed (cfgbuttons == 0)
goto docfgsetup ; setup the config registers and be done
addlw 0xFE ; else add -2 to w
btfsc STATUS,Z ; if result == 0
goto cfgmod2 ; cfgbuttons was 2
btfsc STATUS,C ; else if result == 1 (overflow of w + 254 means new result is positive)
goto cfgmod3 ; cfgbuttons was 3
;goto cfgmod1 ; else result == -1, so go to cfgmod1

; clkconfig:
; H x M M x D D D
; ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
; | | | | | | | \ - \
; | | | | | | \ - - -\ duty cycle for PWM
; | | | | | \ - - - -/ (4 + this number is duty cycle)
; | | | | |
; | | | | \ - - - - -> unused (for now!)
; | | | |
; | | | \ - - - - - -\ space mode (blank, complex,
; | | \ - - - - - - -/ simple '-', simple 'o')
; | |
; | \ - - - - - - - -> unused (for now!)
; |
; \ - - - - - - - - -> 50/60Hz operation (set = 50Hz)

;cfgmod1: change from 50Hz to 60Hz
movlw 0x80 ; load 0x80
xorwf clkconfig,f ; flip the MSB of clkconfig
goto writeconfig ; write the new config and continue

;cfgmod2: cycle through display modes
movf clkconfig,w ; load clkconfig
andlw 0xBF ; be sure that bit 6 is blank
addlw 0x10 ; add 1 to the top nibble
movwf clkconfig ; write back incremented state (possibly overflowing into unused bit 6)
goto writeconfig ; write the new config and continue

movf clkconfig,w ; load clkconfig
andlw 0xF7 ; be sure that bit 3 is blank
addlw 0x01 ; add 1 to the bottom nibble
movwf clkconfig ; write back incremented state (possibly overflowing into unused bit 3)
;goto writeconfig ; write the new config and continue

bsf STATUS,RP0 ; bank 1
bsf EECON1,WREN ; enable writing
movlw 0x3F ; address 63
movwf EEADR ; into EEADR
movf clkconfig,w ; load clock config into w
andlw 0xB7 ; make sure that the data is valid
movwf EEDATA ; write to eedata
movlw 0x55 ; move 0x55
movwf EECON2 ; into EECON2
movlw 0xAA ; move 0xAA
movwf EECON2 ; into EECON2
bsf EECON1,WR ; set the wr bit
bcf EECON1,WREN ; disable further writes
bcf STATUS,RP0 ; bank 0

bsf STATUS,RP0 ; bank 1
clrf TRISB ; portB is all outputs
bcf STATUS,RP0 ; bank 0
; set up 50/60 Hz
movlw 0x3C ; load 60 into w
btfsc _is_50 ; if we're in 50Hz mode
movlw 0x32 ; load 50 instead
movwf sixtcnt ; write w to sixtcnt
; set up brightness
movlw 0x07 ; 0b00000111
andwf clkconfig,w ; mask off duty cycle bits
addlw 0x04 ; add 4
movwf CCPR1L ; this is our duty cycle
; set up display mode
btfsc clkconfig,0x05 ; if clkconfig<5>
goto $ + 4 ; pick which of the simple modes
btfss clkconfig,0x04 ; else
goto dointsetup ; clkconfig<5:4> == 0, blank
goto cfgcomplex ; clkconfig<5:4> == 1, complex
btfss clkconfig,0x04 ; ...
goto cfgsimpd ; clkconfig<5:4> == 2, simple dash
;goto cfgsimpo ; clkconfig<5:4> == 3, simple o
movlw 0x70 ; bottom 3 segments
movwf dot1 ; into dot1
movlw 0x08 ; just bar
movwf dot2 ; into dot2
movlw 0x70 ; bottom 3 segments
movwf dot3 ; into dot3
movlw 0x08 ; just bar
movwf dot4 ; into dot4
goto dointsetup ; done
movlw 0x08 ; just bar
movwf dot2 ; into dot2
movlw 0x08 ; just bar
movwf dot4 ; into dot4
goto dointsetup ; done
clrf dot1 ; dot1 empty
movlw 0x0F ; top 4 segments
movwf dot2 ; into dot2
movlw 0x70 ; bottom 3 segments
movwf dot3 ; into dot3
movlw 0x08 ; just bar
movwf dot4 ; into dot4
;goto dointsetup ; done

; set up interrupts
;bsf PIE1,TMR2IE ; done above when we're already in bank 1
bcf PIR1,TMR2IF ; clear timer2 interrupt flag
movlw 0xFF ; load -1
movwf TMR0 ; into tmr0
bcf INTCON,T0IF ; clear timer0 interrupt flag
bsf INTCON,PEIE ; enable peripheral interrupts
bsf INTCON,GIE ; enable interrupts

; busyloop---purely interrupt driven code
goto $ - 1 ; loop forever

; check the min switch
bcf STATUS,RP0 ; bank 0
btfsc mswitch ; if the minutes button is not being pushed
goto checkhclr ; check hswitch and clear mswcnt
incfsz mswcnt,f ; otherwise, increment mswcnt
goto checkh ; if we didn't wrap around, check the hour switch
goto dominute ; else do minutes

clrf mswcnt ; clear the minute debounce counter
; check the hr switch
btfsc hswitch ; if the hours button is not being pushed
goto check60clr ; check the 60hz input and clear hswcnt
incfsz hswcnt,f ; otherwise, increment hswcnt
goto check60 ; if we didn't wrap around, check the 60hz input
goto dohour ; else do hours

clrf hswcnt ; clear the hour debounce counter
; check the 60Hz input
btfss INTCON,T0IF ; if the t0if isn't set
goto domux ; just do the mux

; handle sixt increment
bcf INTCON,T0IF ; first, handle the timer stuff
movlw 0xFF ; reset clkset value
movwf TMR0 ; put it in TMR0
incf sixt,f ; increment sixt
movf sixtcnt,w ; xor sixtcnt...
xorwf sixt,w ; ...with sixt
btfss STATUS,Z ; if sixt != sixtcnt
goto domux ; just handle muxing
clrf sixt ; clear sixtieths count

; handle second increment
incf seconds,f ; increment seconds
movlw 0x3C ; xor 60...
xorwf seconds,w ; ...with seconds
btfss STATUS,Z ; if seconds != 60
goto domux ; just handle muxing
clrf seconds ; clear seconds count

; handle minute increment
incf minutes,f ; increment minutes
movlw 0x3C ; xor 60...
xorwf minutes,w ; ...with minutes
btfss STATUS,Z ; if minutes != 60
goto domux ; just handle muxing
clrf minutes ; clear minutes count

; handle hour increment
incf hours,f ; increment hours
movlw 0x18 ; xor 24...
xorwf hours,w ; ...with hours
btfss STATUS,Z ; if hours != 24
goto domux ; just handle muxing
clrf hours ; else clear hours

movlw 0x40 ; gridmsb
movwf PORTA ; in porta
movlw 0x04 ; gridm2sb
movwf PORTB ; in portb
incf grid,f ; increment the grid we're looking at
movlw 0x08 ; xor 8...
xorwf grid,w ; ...with grid
btfss STATUS,Z ; if grid != 8
goto notdot ; not displaying the dot

movlw 0xFF ; put 0xFF
movwf grid ; in grid (next time it overflows to 0)
; handle am/pm dot
clrf ampm ; clear am/pm
movlw 0x0C ; load 12
subwf hours,w ; hours - 12
btfss STATUS,C ; if c is not set
goto $ + 3 ; just do updates
bsf _segper ; otherwise, we are PM, so set the period
bsf _is_pm ; and the flag
bcf gridm2sb ; clear the m2sb to set grid = 8
movf seconds,w ; load seconds
movwf sectmp ; update sectmp
movf minutes,w ; load minutes
movwf mintmp ; update mintmp
movf hours,w ; load hours
movwf hrtmp ; update hrtmp
movlw 0x0C ; load 12
btfsc _is_pm ; if it's PM
subwf hrtmp,f ; subtract 12 from hrtmp
movf hrtmp,f ; touch hrtmp register
btfsc STATUS,Z ; if hrtmp is zero
movwf hrtmp ; make it 12 instead
goto theend ; done

; handle non-dot grids
bsf STATUS,RP0 ; bank 1
movf grid,w ; load grid
movwf grtmp ; save in grtmp
btfss STATUS,Z ; is grid == 0?
goto $ + 2 ; if no, go on
goto secnum ; else display number for grid 0
decfsz grtmp,f ; is grid == 1?
goto $ + 2 ; if no, go on
goto secnum ; else display number for grid 1
decfsz grtmp,f ; is grid == 2?
goto $ + 2 ; if no, go on
goto disp2dash ; grid 2 is always a dash
decfsz grtmp,f ; is grid == 3?
goto $ + 2 ; if no, go on
goto minnum ; else display number for grid 3
decfsz grtmp,f ; is grid == 4?
goto $ + 2 ; if no, go on
goto minnum ; else display number for grid 4
decfsz grtmp,f ; is grid == 5?
goto hrnum ; if no, it must be 6 or 7; either one uses hrnum
;goto disp5dash ; grid 5 is always a dash
btfsc sectmp,0x00 ; if seconds is odd
goto topdot ; display the top dot
goto botdot ; else display the bottom dot

btfss sectmp,0x00 ; if seconds is even
goto topdot ; display the top dot
goto botdot ; else display the bottom dot

bcf STATUS,RP0 ; bank 0
movf grid,w ; load grid
iorwf dot1,w ; load in configured dots
movwf PORTB ; write to port B
movf dot2,w ; load in configured dots
movwf PORTA ; write to port A
goto theend ; we're done

bcf STATUS,RP0 ; bank 0
movf grid,w ; load grid
iorwf dot3,w ; load in configured dots
movwf PORTB ; write grid and segments to PORTB
movf dot4,w ; load in configured dots
movwf PORTA ; into port A
goto theend ; and we're done

movf sectmp,w ; load seconds
btfsc gridpar ; if grid is odd
addlw 0x40 ; get the high digit (stored at offset 0x40 in EEPROM)
movwf EEADR ; into the EEPROM address
goto dataloaded ; common code for all displays

movf mintmp,w ; load minutes
btfss gridpar ; if grid is even
addlw 0x40 ; get the high digit (stored at offset 0x40 in EEPROM)
movwf EEADR ; into the EEPROM address
goto dataloaded ; common code for all displays

movf hrtmp,w ; load hours
btfsc gridpar ; if grid is odd
addlw 0x40 ; get the high digit (stored at offset 0x40 in EEPROM)
movwf EEADR ; into the EEPROM address
;goto dataloaded ; common code for all displays

bsf EECON1,RD ; read data from EEPROM
movf EEDATA,w ; load EEPROM data
bcf STATUS,RP0 ; bank 0
movwf segsave ; save EEDATA to segsave
andlw 0x0F ; mask off top nibble
movwf seg2save ; save until later
xorwf segsave,w ; XOR remaining bits with original data to get top nibble
iorwf grid,w ; and then OR in the grid number
movwf PORTB ; write PORTB
bcf gridmsb ; turn off the grid MSB
movf seg2save,w ; load PORTA value
movwf PORTA ; write PORTA

bcf PIR1,TMR2IF ; clear timer2 interrupt flag
retfie ; return from the interrupt

Your Inchworm may not have the OS loaded, you must do this the first time you use your Inchworm. They come with the bootloader loaded and require the OS to be loaded too. Instructions are on page 7 of the Inchworm Assembly Manual.
Also MPLAB will not default to COM1 or COM2 when ever its run, you must select the COM port manually before you can connect. It will remember COM port setting when you are in a workspace.

Lastly if you're using a USB to RS232 adapter there are good ones and bad ones, if it uses the PL2303 chipset then use the driver on my site not the one that comes with it.

PS just noticed your PIC is inserted in the DIP socket in the wrong place, pin #1 goes to PIN 11 on the zif *you have it in pin 12
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Well, I've followed the directions for downloading the OS for the Inchworm and no go.

This is the error msgs I get:

Connecting to MPLAB ICD 2
ICD0019: Communications: Failed to open port: (Windows::GetLastError() = 0x2, 'The system cannot find the file specified.
ICD0021: Unable to connect with MPLAB ICD 2
ICDWarn0034: Please ensure that your system's serial FIFO buffers are disabled.
Connecting to MPLAB ICD 2
ICDWarn0054: MPLAB IDE has lost communications with the MPLAB ICD 2. Would you like to attempt to reconnect?
Connecting to MPLAB ICD 2
ICD0021: Unable to connect with MPLAB ICD 2
Downloading Operating System
ICD0021: Unable to connect with MPLAB ICD 2
...Download Operating System Failed
ICD0286: Unable to communicate with ICD
ICD0286: Unable to communicate with ICD
ICD0286: Unable to communicate with ICD
ICD0286: Unable to communicate with ICD
ICD0286: Unable to communicate with ICD

After hooking up the inchworm, I go into Programmer - selcect programmer -MPLAB ICD2

Then go into settings and change from the USB to Com1 and the fifo buffer box is unchecked. (reboot)

Then Configure - select device - PIC 16F877 no "A" is in the window.

Go back into Programmer - download ICD2 OS - it's a hex file ICD1020701.hex

The serial cable is hooked up and the power supply is attached as well.

help!! Still doing something wrong?????? or missing a step
Also what type of USB serial adapter is it? If it's a PL2303 based adaper force install the drivers on my site or it won't work.

Else check the crystal is mounted very slightly off the PCB.
The cable is a serial cable about 6' long. No USB adapter used. When I put the crystal in I used some "shims" to keep it off the board, so there is a small gap there and not touching the board or shorting anything out.

It was a kit from DPmicro so hopefully the boot loader was installed.
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