Inchworm Cover Up?

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Complete removal instead of modification. I doubt praises would have traveled the same world line (course of events for the head scratchers).
There was a post by another member about getting one of my Inchworm kits from dipmicro. I supply the bare PCBs to the VARs who add their own parts, I have to agree with the original poster in that a kit should have the parts as specified as close as possible, I've contacted dipmicro and hopefully we can get this fixed for future kits. The kit is fairly tolerent of the passive parts but I'd prefer using the right parts and if I bought a kit I'd be upset if parts had been changed or subbed.

Most 5% resistors were subbed for 1% (they're worth more but they have an extra color band and can confuse a kit builder) And some of the capacitors were changed. There is supposed to be a supplied paper about the subbed parts.

dipmicro sells the kits for less than the MSRP and Creatron Inc, his margins are razor thin so to keep his and your costs down he shops around for the best component deals.

My apologies for the confusion.

PS if you have a kit please make sure the crystal caps are between 15pf-22pf
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Good to know, turns out some of the crystals were fussy on the caps. My original batch all used 33pf just fine, but the dipmicro batch crystals were hit and miss at 33pf (my mistake, a little high for 20MHz) and dipmicro actually sent at no charge the proper caps to customers.
donniedj said:
Complete removal instead of modification. I doubt praises would have traveled the same world line (course of events for the head scratchers).

I've got better things to do than search through multiple posts removing foul language from a snotty nosed kid! - there was nothing of any consequence in the thread so I simply deleted the lot!.

Feel free to post threads praising something full of bad language and it will be deleted as well - although with a longer ban as I now consider you forewarned.
blueroomelectronics said:
There was a post by another member about getting one of my Inchworm kits from dipmicro.
Nigel Goodwin said:
I've got better things to do than search through multiple posts removing foul language from a snotty nosed kid!
Ahhh. I remember it now.
I'm starting to lose track of how may handles "Krumlink", "Robotbuilder" or err, "Souperman" has had. I'm sure he has set a record by now.
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Which way 1% components , especially resistors are superior , in case of digital circutry, unless some OPamps and analog signals are to be handled.

I feel 5% resistors are good enough.
We seem to have a new member who uses the term "woot" - only ever seen that used once before.

ha ha ha!

Yeah, I felt bad because of it, yet I wanted to hook it up.

Glad to say every thing is working great, but still needs a bit more work. Please go over to the thread "quan" started and hlelp "him" out.

HAHAHAHA I went to that link and saw what quan meant, and I had no Idea! That is rediclous!
Pommie said:
We seem to have a new member who uses the term "woot" - only ever seen that used once before.


Don't let Pommie near any MMORPG's heh

OMFGWTFBBQ ugotPOONED O=('.'Q woot! 1337 >:|

heh, the good old days
Hi Gramo,

Welcome back. We've had a sever drought of Swordfish postings over the last few months. I had an urge to try SF myself a while back but I got distracted with something else. I was however, particularly impressed with the fact it has USB support and will probably try using it shortly.

Have you done anything with SF and USB?

Hey Pommie! Thanks for the welcome

As for USB - Only with the 18F2550. Haven't had many issues, just those of my own that took a little stepping back to figure out

I have little need for USB, but once I mastered basic data comms between VBE and the mcu I was satisfied with the proof of concept

SF is making real progress considering its "time" on the market. The user modules has expanded quite well, for example support for NMEA/Touchscreen/Fixed and Variable PWM control are just a few...
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