Inchworm Fails to download operating system

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Active Member
Well, my inchworm was working fine last time I used it about a year ago. Since then it spent some time in a box due to me moving, but otherwise I have taken good care of it. Now tonight I am trying to get back to learning PICs and I can't get it to connect. It trys to download the operating system, but fails- Failed to read all of requested bytes (0x0 of 0x8) - Failed to read all of requested bytes (0x0 of 0x2). The red busy light lights and stays on, even after it fails. I've never seen it do this before. I am wondering if the 16F887 on it may have got damaged? Does anyone have any ideas on what I can check?

Since it has been about a year you may have changed settings or even computers. Did you check to see if the FIFO buffers were disabled?
I suppose that if you had programmed a spare 16F887 you would already have tried it. One of the first things anyone with who builds an ICD2 or PICkit2 clone should do is to program, test, and then squirl away a spare processor in case the working one goes bad.

Do you have a spare or a way to program another chip ?

EDIT: If not PM me and I will blast send you one. You tried slower baud rate and that sort of think too, right?

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It should be an 877A or 877 the 887 won't work it's not the same part. Did you upgrade your computer? You're not using a USB to RS232...
It should be an 877A or 877 the 887 won't work it's not the same part. Did you upgrade your computer? You're not using a USB to RS232...

Hah yeh! I am guessing that is what he meant and I copied it without thinking.

Also check the +5 to see if the power supply to the ICD2 is working.

One of the first things anyone with who builds an ICD2 or PICkit2 clone should do is to program, test, and then squirl away a spare processor in case the working one goes bad.


Yeah, thats one of those things I was always planning to do and never did I never got to it.

I'm gonna fiddle around with it some more this week and double check everything. I was so busy over the weekend I didn't have a chance to even touch it.

Thanks for the offer to program a chip for me though. I think I even ordered some spares and never did anything with them So I have some I could send you.

Bill, Nope, no upgrade. (I wish though!) The cable is the same one I was using before with no problems.
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