Inchworm ICD2 Assembly Manual (First Draft)

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Here is the blueroomelectronics Inchworm ICD2 Assembly Manual in PDF format. It's only a first draft and I still need to add the ICD cable building instructions. But for those of you who DIY the project or are thinking of building an ICD2 clone hopefully this may help.

Comments always welcome.



  • Inchworm Assembly Instructions.pdf
    497.3 KB · Views: 1,750
Here's the hopefully near final version, correction to the parts list & schematic. The 2mm jack was incorrectly labeled as 2.5 this is now corrected. I'm not at all happy with the MPLAB description pg7 but I'm happy with the drawings.


  • Inchworm Assembly Instructions.pdf
    597.7 KB · Views: 1,603
hi william ,
i'm not sure if this has been asked , or not.
is the board available for purchase ?
just the board?
Hi Bill,
I promised you a picture of the completed board, so here it is - I've yet to decide what socket to put on it though, and I forgot to order a heatsink, so temporarily fitted the 7805 without one. I've tested it with MPLAB, and it uploads the software fine, and passes all the tests.

BTW, love the quality of the board, it's really nice! - I've kept the picture pretty large so people can see how good it is!.


  • inchworm.JPG
    200.9 KB · Views: 388
Very cool Nigel !
whats the next step?

what have you loaded into the 16F877 so far?

Details ! details ?
williB said:
Very cool Nigel !
whats the next step?

Decide what connector to use, and connect it to a target board.

what have you loaded into the 16F877 so far?

Details ! details ?

Just the ICD2 software, I initially loaded the bootloader using my P16PRO40, then used MPLAB to load the 'OS' - I think it was the 18F version? - as I didn't have a target board connected it didn't really matter
Looks great Nigel, glad you like it

The 7805 only gets warm, You can use a #4 Nut & Bolt if you only plan on drawing a little power. There is copper on the top & bottom to help keep it cool.

There seems to be quite an interest in ICD2s. So I'm currently testing the 18F4550 USB version and if I can get it working I'll modify the Inchworm so you can build it serially and afterwards snap a USB piggback board on top.

Most USB ICD2s are the same speed as the serial versions (they use a USB to 232 chip).

The only fast versions use the PIC 18F4550, as it talks parallel to the 16F877.

PS I like the 5mm LEDs (I'll have to build one with a Blue LED)
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William At MyBlueRoom said:
The 7805 only gets warm, You can use a #4 Nut & Bolt if you only plan on drawing a little power. There is copper on the top & bottom to help keep it cool.

Yes, it runs cold with nothing connected - it really depends if I want to use the ICD2 board to power target boards?, and (obviously) what current the target boards require.

I'm sure I've got exactly the right heatsink 'somewhere' - but exactly where is a different matter!.
Just noticed you used 1% resistors throughout. Now that's quality.

PS how did you find the assembly manual? Personally I'm still unhappy with page 7.
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William At MyBlueRoom said:
Just noticed you used 1% resistors throughout. Now that's quality.

I expected to have to order all the 1% resistors, but when I looked in the draws I found I had almost all of the resistors already as 1% values. So I used them to keep the look consistent.

PS how did you find the assembly manual? Personally I'm still unhappy with page 7.

I thought it was fine, I really only used the circuit diagram - with the silk-screened PCB it was all I needed.

Page 7 looks OK to me, it explains things accurately and briefly, seems to do all that's needed?.
If i'm not mistaken...I had saw inchworm version using about this's working?...if so why you change to 877?
alamy said:
If i'm not mistaken...I had saw inchworm version using about this's working?...if so why you change to 877?

Inchworm F will reveal that And yes sticking with the 877.

Clue 18F4550 / Dragonfly.
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