INCHWORM problem...

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I am trying to make an Inchworm programmer and would like to know if the circuit connections are proper. The resistance between the pins 16 n 15 of the MAX232 IC is only 650 ohms without inserting max232 and the PIC. These pins are connected to +Vcc and Ground of the PS circuit respectively. The circuit is not applied power. Also its not connected to the computer. I have already soldered the components on to a dot pcb.

Is that normal? Plz help.
I applied power and got 5V between Vcc and ground.
Then inserted MAX232 IC alone. But now the IC is getting heated up.?!
Is it ok?
Don't use a MAX232A, use a ST232 as noted in the instruction manual for the Inchworm+ Some MAX232 don't like the larger caps, the ST232 was designed for the bigger caps.

The chip should not get hot.
Thanks a lot............It worked. MPLAB communicated with ICD2...

But I replaced the MAX232CPE IC with a MAX232EPE,not ST232. From MAXIMs datasheet,there is not much functional difference between the two. So I guess the other IC was damaged even before I connected it to the Inchworm.

But now the Target Vpp is ONLY 11.66V. MPLAB ICD2 Vpp is 12.06V(from MPLAB). Shouldn't it be atleast 12.5V?

I haven't tried to program any PIC yet. Hope it can....
Thanks bluroomelectronics.. Its working fine.
But one doubt.
When I read the program memory in debugging mode,the program starts at 0x1800-bank3. Shouldn't it start at bank0? When I load the program to pic simulator, some 6000 lines are loaded(entire momory) while my program is only
100 lines or so.
Is this normal?
No. Could that be the reason? I accessed various banks using 'banksel'. So could it be that the selected STATUS register is the one in BANK3?(or do all status refer to the same STATUS register?) .I am sorry if its a stupid question.
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