Incremental Encoders

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New Member
Dear All,

I am working on a project which requires me to use an AEDA-3300 3-channel incremental encoder (in conjuction with a PIC16F87XA microcontroller). This forum has been of much assistance in guiding me to many relevant tutorials as I have just discovered the PIC last week. However, I am struggling to discover an online resource detailing how to read data from the encoder and store it on the PIC. I'm sorry for this embarassingly basic question. I have skimmed through the PIC datasheet but I'm not sure which sections are relevant, and how to implement them practically. I would much appreciate if anyone could advise.

Best regards,
The necessary decoding hardware is not built-in the PIC. You would need to program the PIC to run some software in order to decode the signals from a rotary encoder. Decoding is easy via table lookup, using either polling or interrupt technique.

You simply connects the encoder A & B channel output signals to two input port pins on the PIC and leaves the I(index) channel unconnected.

See if the following links could offer additional help?

Using Mechanical Rotary Encoders, code for PIC

quadrature encoders
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