The original design has been adapted to life conditions. Just heating won't hatch any chicken - no matter what kind of birds you're breeding.
As you probably have observed in nature, birds turn the eggs regularly which takes care of good blood circulation in the embryo. Just putting eggs into an "oven" won't bring about chicken.
Also a certain level of air moisture is necessary to keep the egg shell soft enough for the chicken to break it when hatching.
My new design takes care of close to natural breeding.
Most warm blooded creatures have a body core temperature of +37.5°C, which should be the breeding temperature for birds.
The design I made kept the preset temperature accurate within ±0.2°C and ±1% of the preset RH level in a prototype setup of incubator box.
The box however should not be hermetically closed to the ambient air, but allow fresh air to enter it - in order to prevent rotten eggs.
Eggs being bred produce CO2 (breathing embryo) which has to be replaced by sufficient oxygen.
I don't remember who I sent my first design anymore. Anyway consider it obsolete since it won't guarantee a good hatch rate (which I consider is 90 to 95%).
any one has a copy of this incubator control please send me to my email <snip: no emails>
its fron Boncuk i need it for my project thesis i cannot read the text coz its very small erlarging it wont make any good .....thank you in advance and more power to us all
Isn't thesis work supposed to be original, not cribbed from someone else's project?
BTW, you resurrected a 6-year old thread, so the chances of the original participants reading this are slim.
Isn't thesis work supposed to be original, not cribbed from someone else's project?
BTW, you resurrected a 6-year old thread, so the chances of the original participants reading this are slim.