I don't generally come in here, but I'm worried that I might be HAM-curious... I need talking out of it; I already start more project then I finish and I don't need another avenue of distraction.
But supposing for a moment that I was serially interested in getting into amateur radio. I live in a first floor flat, part of a larger building, which has an attic/loft space - I have no outside space - in a fairly elevated location in the south-west of England, with buildings of similar size nearby. I reckon I might have 10m corner-to-corner in the loft.
My question is, then, is there any chance of erecting a worthwhile antenna inside the loft?
I'm interested in building radios rather than contesting etc, so it's shortwave that I'm thinking of - VHF is far beyond my capabilities as a designer. I'm also not talking about running high powers - 10W would probably be all.
Given the space constraints I might be restricted to the 10m band, but it looks like not a lot happens there. 20m looks like the place to be, but how much luck might I have if I can't get a full 1/2 wave dipole up?
Just interested in hearing some peoples views.
I should add that, no, I'm not a license holder; that would be step 1 if it looked like there was any point in trying.