Whatever. Considering how cheap fast diodes are, I just don't see the wisdom of using junk diodes for clamps. You know that transistor the diode is protecting? Well, if the diode is a shade slow for the peak of the kick, then the transistor gets beat on with narrow duration voltage spikes that gradually punch it through. If you are betting the life of the transistor on it ALWAYS being so much slower than the diode you know the di-dt rate, you better specify the transistor. Me, I use fast diodes for snubbers and junk diodes for rectifiers. makes life simple and means the transistors live their natural life span. I am thrifty, but snubbers ain't where I try to save three cents. I have reworked too many power converters that smoked because my boss pinched pennies on the snubber.
And BTW, turn on times for junk diodes are never a guaranteed (or tested) parameter and I never pin the survival of the main part on an untested parameter. I have seen semiconductors from Taiwan and China that were garb age all wearing the industry standard JEDEC number because they meet the TESTED limits... and the rest of the specs, who knows?