inductive reactance

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Ahh yes. That would be why my original value of current was so ridiculously high.
Is there a way to insert my latex code into this window anyone?


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Actually, I know it will be a little annoying to post text as attachments. But I currently have a situation where my classmates have found out that I post the questions to our homework on forums, and they have began doing searches for my threads in order to just copy them. I know it is bad for them eventually, but our system at school is that our assignment grades go toward our end exam grade. So they are riding on the back of all my hard work, which ergs me. Especially, as they all have nice student loans and I am the only one working to support my studies. I only have this assignment and one more following, which I would like to do in images as well. So, if it doesn't upset everyone too much for a short time, I would like to continue, please? I do have other questions though, which I would like to post appropriately.

[ latex ]\[
I_{r.m.s.} = \frac{{V_{r.m.s.} }}{{2\pi fL}} = \frac{{162.6}}{{2\pi \left( {5000} \right)\left( {70 \times 10^{ - 3} } \right)}} = 0.074A\left( {2s.f.} \right)
[ /latex ]
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