X = is correct. cot is removed in order to leave the magnitude is ωL."
The cot can have a magnitude of ∞. The cos at most is 1. How can you justify "removing" cot? That's what you did above in your "V = I*ωL cos ωt --> Vmax = ωL*Imax, so ωL is the inductive reactance" statement. This is because I*ωL is the magnitude of I*ωL cos ωt. Note, this is not my statement, it came from the first attachment in one of my arevious posts.
Yes, but what is the magnitude of ωL*cot ωt? It is infinity, which does not make sense for finding the reactance. The magnitude of I*ωL cos ωt is I*ωL , because the maximum of cos ωt is 1 .
As I said, you don't need to integrate. It can be done as they did in the book with differentiation. That's where the cot term came from.
If you want to find the reactance by the impedance method, then Z(s) = V(s)/I(s), take the LaPlace transform L{V/I} = L{I(t)*Lω*cos(ωt)/I(t)*sin(ωt)} = L{Lω*cot(ωt)} = jLω for a sinusoidal function. The LaPlace transform does the integration. See Electrical impedance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia for a derivation using Euler's formula. Euler's formula does the differentiating this time.
But on the page I scanned, they come to the same equation as the network analysis books do, ie. it leads to the same result and is easier.
E = iR + L di/dt.
Haliday is only doing transient analysis here, not steady state AC analysis. So your reference is not valid.
So I would say that is why the network anlysis books don't bother with the - sign.
As long as one knows that the induced voltage is counter to the applied voltage, and writes the equations accordingly, things should work out OK.
Hopelessly Pedantic