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Well-Known Member
Salvage some inductors out of a computer, but they're not marked, is there an easy way to determine what their rating is?
Borrow **broken link removed**, or

Use a sinewave oscillator, a known value capacitor and a oscilloscope. Make a parallel tuned circuit by connecting the cap across the coil, and then sweep it from Hz to low MHz to find the resonance. The use the formula f=1/[2Π√(LC)] to solve for L.
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Salvage some inductors out of a computer, but they're not marked, is there an easy way to determine what their rating is?

they might have been color coded, and if so, you may Google for Inductor color code chart.
otherwise make a simple LC meter from **broken link removed**
though you need two numbers of 2% tol capacitors of 1000pF each, and one 100uH inductor, the project works fine, thanks to Phil Rice of Australia, and if are into RF filed, it is a good item in test gear.
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