Inertial Navigation System Problem!

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New Member
Hey guys,

Ive got a project where i have to create an INS (but without the GPS) to detect the roll, pitch and yaw axis of an aircraft. Ive already managed the pitch adn roll axis but i cant seem to get yaw.
Btw im using an Arduino that is connected to a Razor 6DOF IMU, and the results are read on the computer.
I read on the internet that i need to use Euler or Quaternions in my code but i have no idea what these are.
Can anybody help me out please?
Thanks a lot!
I read on the internet that i need to use Euler or Quaternions in my code but i have no idea what these are.

Euler angles can be used to represent orientation in space and quaternions can be used to describe 3 dimensional rotations. They are used often in the field of spacecraft dynamics and attitude control. I haven't messed with them since college and in all honesty, I think I barely grasped them at the time. Have you just searched for these terms and started reading up on them? Have you ever taken linear algebra?
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Have a read of this page, especially read the draft of the algorithm. It will be hard to follow without a grasp of quaternions but just think of them as 3 dimensional coordinates.

Alternatively, add a compass.

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