info about computes im facing some hardware problem

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New Member
im facing some hardware problem regarding ram and the motherboard if some have any information plz help me
thanks alot
i think i know the problem my computer is restarting randomly initially i thought it was a virus i formatted my complete harddisk bit it didnt fix the problem by chance i came with an ides to change the ram slot which fixed the problem for 2 weeks but now again im facing the same problem
Maybe it's over heating, thermal grease dries out over time. Checking the fan heatsink and thermal compound would do you well. Clean the entire motherboard and all removeable components carefully and dust as well as possible.
Hi salman007 hope you are using XP. It can be happen due to several reasons.
Due to heat
Due to bios problems
Due to missing drivers…….etc…

If you can access to the desktop try doing this. If cannot you must check the hardware + BIOS (ACPI) .

1. Right-click My Computer, and then click Properties.
2. Click the Advanced tab.
3. Under Startup and Recovery, click Settings to open the Startup and Recovery dialog box.
4. Clear the Automatically restart check box, and click OK the necessary number of times.
5. Restart your computer for the settings to take effect.
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