infrared line tracing

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New Member
does anyone here have tips on making a simple infrared line tracer? simple as in, no programming. anyone?

if you have a schematic diagram, it'll help a lot.
yeah! it's exactly what i need. thanks man.

just one quick question, what component is the PR1 and PR2?
I found this version of a line-following robot in a book a while back. It uses photoresistors rather than infrared phototransistors, but I think they should work about the same. Please correct me if i'm wrong (anybody), but I believe you can simply replace the photoresistors with the infrared detectors, and replace the "headlights" with your infrared LEDs. Here's the link to the website:

Sandwich, The Line-Following Robot - Robot Room

I'm not sure if he has the actual circuit on the site or not, but if you cant find it, I recommend you see if you can get a hold of the book itself.
I hope this helps!
Der Strom
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