Infrared Remote and Reciever Would Love Help

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New Member
The Basic Goal/Idea
Create multiple Infrared device's(like at least 35) like a remote control- but with different buttons that would for all 35 devices that send information to a receiver that can distinguish between all of them so that the reciever would take that information which would then be proccessed by the computer by an application.
I have no idea where to start or what I am doing so I would appreciate any links to guides or books that would help me learn how to do this. I also need to know a plausible way to transfer the information from the reciever to the computer, the programming part I can do but as to the transfer of the data I am very clueless.
Thx for the help

Check my PIC IR tutorial, it should help you see how to do it.
Thx for responding

Thx for the tutorial but, I was just wondering before I spend alot of time trying to find out how everything works what do you think the minimal cost for creating one infared remote(not including the reciever)
Oh ya since I really don't know anything about circuit building is their any starting kit or tutorial I should try before going straight to this IR stuff so that I have more than a basic understanding of electronics. I also don't know where to buy the pic chips in the US can anyone point me out to where a good place would be?
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