Ingrown Toenail

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Hello, Iv had an ingrown toe nail for about a month and finally got the surgery. the shots hurt a lot and now I'm all better. My docter also found a cancerous mole that he removed also. Have any of you had the surgery before? He said it might come back but it is a slim chance. or anything on the topic of that. He did say if it were to come back it would be around 4 months and that about the time of sectionals for swimming. So if you have any info on it it would help a lot, all of the websites(webMD wikipedia ext.) say the exact same thing.
What is sectionals for swimming? Are you in swimming competition? Swimmers are exposed to a lot of sunlight so this might cause a Dr. to suspect radiation to the skin.
I would not worry about it too much.

I suspect the Doc was worried about skin melanoma, which if you had might reappear in a short time, in which case they might do a check for malignancy. I had a bit of melanoma on my hands as I use to surf at the beach a lot. Doc, did a outpatient care and away I went. Never came back so all was cool... I do try to limit my sun exposure these days.
He did say if it were to come back it would be around 4 months and that about the time of sectionals for swimming.

They have those body suits maybe if it's not to much money you should check into it.

Increase your intake of vegetables and particularly fruit juices eat apples. They are good antioxidants. Stay away from to much sunlight. Sun bathing is not a good Idea.

Just like Mike , I also use care in the way I expose myself to the sun. Hat's Etc.

I'm not fearful. I just think I know to much sometimes.

Error on the side of safety. I always say.

By the way (David) I loaded Ubuntu on a system next to my Desk I'm going to find out what all the talk is about.

I'm still playing around with the C programming.

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I just looked up the definition of ubuntu.

That is a nice concept. I just might have to try this sw as well

It is important to find out what type of cancer your doctor found. On the skin, two of the common cancers are basal cell carcinoma and melanoma. There are others. Of the two just mentioned, basal cell carcinomas, while considered cancers, generally do not spread and are cured simply by local excision (removal of the growth). Sometimes the growth is removed in layers, which is called Mohs surgery. Other times, the physician takes a small margin and follows the course you just described to ensure no cancerous cells were left behind. Melanomas are more serious.

The tissue that was removed should have been sent to a pathologist or dermatopathologist for diagnosis. Be sure to find out what that report said.

What is sectionals for swimming? Are you in swimming competition? Swimmers are exposed to a lot of sunlight so this might cause a Dr. to suspect radiation to the skin.
Only if you swim outdoors, most pools in the UK are indoors.
Yeah my best friend has leukemia. The mole i had on my foot was melanoma. i swim indoors right now. i am on my schools Varsity swim team(first in the section, first in our state and 20th in the US)

i just got back into C++ last night cence i dropped linux. use gcc for ubuntu it is not GUI at all so it is a little hard to use at first. I just wrote a C++ program that tells you if a number that you input is odd or even. In windows check out devC++ i like it a lot,

I am going to a dermatologist in a week to check out my other moles. I am also a very tan kid but i know that does not make me immune to skin cancer at all. i dont really were sun screen in the summer, although i am outside from 630am to about 1130 pm swimming and doing stuff.
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