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Input needed in designing a quasi-haptic motor effects control board for a Sybian.

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You could write everthing I know about electronics on the head of a pin, despite my studying the subject in depth for the last 10-12 months. I envy those of you to whom this field of endeavor comes so easily. I used to believe I could do anything if I put my mind to it. Apparently, that theory is erroneous when the subject of electronics is thrown into the mix.
Ahhhmmm Anyway... here is my idea for a project which I'm hoping someone can assist me with.

I have a Sybian machine which I purchased in the hopes of improving upon the design. For those of you who don't know what that is, google videos of Howard Stern Sybian and you'll get it. It's original purpose was that of a theraputic device for women who were unable to achieve climax. Basically, a suped up vibrator with interchangeable insertion devices and a rotating factor. The rotating aspect is not utilized on Sterns program that I know of.

Essentially, the Sybian device constists of two 120v AC motors which are controlled by a pair of PWM rheostat control boards allowing the operator to raise and lower the speed of rotation of the motors.

My idea is to incorporate a quasi-haptic feature to the device by interrupting the normal linear power curve operation/function of the motors. I hope to accomplish this by employing a pre-configured set of electronically controlled skips or stutters, if you will, to the motor input signals. which may be selected as different preset programmed motor functions or maybe even programmed as a group of variables which could be combined?

The two motors presently used are single phase AC 1/3 hp Bodine brand with matching Bodine rheostat operated variable speed controllers oprating via Pulse width modulation.

Please let me know if I can do what I have described in the manner in which I have conceived it or is there a better way. Feel Free to ask any questions or point out if I need to give more information.

Thanks for your help.

Note: I am in the process of re-specifiying all the technical data on this because it is mis-stated above. So, hold for the revision if you will and then no one will waste any time. I'll post some pics with the new data so you can all see what I'm talking about. I'm not limited to just the ideas I have been able to imagine myself for this, so if you have thoughts for improvements let them fly. It's not about EGO on this project, it's about Go-Go and then go and go, some more, if you catch my drift.

The inventor for this unpatented design basically came up with something that worked in the day and then apparently never gave it another thought. With todays technology, haptics, computer controllers, wireless Bluetooth interfaces and all that has to offer, I believe this platform can be exponentially more effective and devastating. So much so, that it will put the original to shame when executed using the lens of todays technology to view its full operaional potential.

What most people, men especially fail to grasp with this device is that it's real, as yet, untapped potential is not about its full throttle amplitude, i.e. (speed) capability, its about taking control of the qualities synthesized by raw speed, which is the frequency, torque & harmonics produced. If you control that first, then you can begin multiplying those forces using speed. Now it can truly deliver the goods.

The original is all about brute force which mostly works, but the current design is super hella loud and limited by its way over priced cost for purchase.
With your help, what I hope to achieve through improved electronics and respecification of components is a similar device, but one designed to engage the user through a whisper quiet expression of its power and precision control of all aspects of its operational functions.

Anyway, whatever anyone has to offer to help with this is really appreciated. Cheers!
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No, presently the rotation motor only turns one direction as built, but if the motor is capable of sudden counter-rotation input signals without damage that could be a quite desirable operating feature to consider incorporating.

thanks for asking!
I am confused when you say "PWM rheostat" - that makes no sense. Now perhaps it's a PWM controller adjusted by a potentiometer; are you certain it is this, and not a simple rheostat? If it is truely a PWM controller, is it possible to get information about how it works or how you could interface to it to bypass the potentiometer? A possibility might be to use a digital potentiometer of the same range as the manual potentiometer; this digi-pot could then be controlled with a microcontroller or other circuitry for the programmed "effects" you are wanting to incorporate. Otherwise, if you didn't want to hack the existing controller, you could remove it and use a zero-crossing detection SSR system to control the speed of the motors...
You are absolutely sure about this:

The two motors presently used are single phase AC 1/3 hp Bodine brand with matching Bodine rheostat operated variable speed controllers oprating via Pulse width modulation.

Most of the variable speed Bodine motors I have seen are actually DC motors for which Bodine makes a good selection of PWM controllers. The few fractional HP as in 1/3 HP single phase AC Bodine motors I have seen do not have vary speed and run at a fixed speed.

You have two motors, if possible could you read the Bodine nameplate data and post it? Also if you could look at the speed controller boards for their part numbers and post them it would be a big help.

A symbian using Bodine motors? Damn, no wonder they are so expensive. :)

My crystal ball says you are going to be very, very popular with the woman around you and make many new female friends. :)

Thanks men, for taking the time to respond to my posting for this project. Most likely, as both of you have so estutely observed, the basic information I have provided is very likely erroneous and I have no clue what the hell I'm talking about. Obviously my memory can no longer be trusted, so before we go any further with this, allow me the opportunity to disassemble this thing again and document all the specifics and part numbers. After which, I'll re-post the real info and we can start fresh with no further delays.

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