After consulting Sedra and Smith, I have to change my answer for circuit #2. We define the inherent output resistance of the amplifier as ro, which can be from 50 ohms to several hundred ohms. Also, the open loop gain, we define as "A" Then, V- is the test voltage, Vt times the resistive divider:
V- = Vt*R1/R1 + R2. And the amplifier output voltage is Vo = -A*V-, which is: -A*Vt*(R1/R1 + R2), or --A*Vt*β,where β=R1/R1 + R2.
Now, the current due to the test voltage is: (Vt/R1 + R2) + (Vt - Vo)/ro, or using the equations above for Vo:
I = (Vt/R1 + R2) + (Vt + A*Vt*β)/ro
Finally, 1/Rout = I/Vt = 1/(R1 + R2+ + (1 + Aβ)/ro, and so
Rout = (R1 + R1)//[ro/(1 + Aβ)
The sedond term dominates so
Rout ~= ro/(1 + Aβ); where β is R1/(R1 + R2)