this is a long post...
also, having the 10uf cap in the feedback loop, and the one in series with the output, both alter the output impedance. the output cap just adds Xc to the output impedance (Xc is the reactance or "impedance" of the cap), but the one in the feedback loop has an effect on the calculation of Zo=ro/(1+aβ), because it alters the β term to equal:
(R1+Xc)/(R1+R2+Xc), so the output impedance now also depends on Xc. it affects the closed loop gain of the amp because the closed loop gain is determined by Acl=1+(R2/R1), but with the cap becomes Acl=1+(R2/(R1+Xc)). so if we pick a couple of frequencies, such as 20hz and 1khz, the gain of the circuit (temporarily ignoring the input and output coupling cap) is 1+(22k/(1k+796))=13.24 at 20hz and 1+(22k/(1k+16))= 22.65 at 1khz. Xc is 796 ohms at 20hz, and 16 ohms at 1khz. the raw output resistance of a TL071 is about 160 ohms, so the output impedance of a TL071 in your circuit is 160/(1+(200000*((1k+796)/(22k+1k+796))))=~10milliohm. the 200000 figure is the open loop gain of a TL071 at 20hz. at 1khz, the output impedance at 1khz is going change for two reasons, the open loop gain of the TL071 is only about 4000 at 1khz, and Xc is only 16 ohms, so 160/(1+(4000*)(1k+16)/(22k+1k+16))))=0.9 ohms. now, placing the output cap in the circuit, the low output impedance of 0.01 ohms at 20hz, now equals 0.01+796=796.01 ohms, and the output impedance at 1khz is 0.9+16=16.9 ohms. the same effect also happens at the input. since the input cap is in series with the 23.5 k input impedance, so at 20hz it is 24,296 ohms, and at 1khz it is 23,516 ohms. your -3db frequencies will be where Xc is equal to the resistance it is in series with. for the feedback loop the corner frequency will be where Xc=1k, or about 15 hz. this is the frequency where the gain is one half of 1+(R2/R1), because it's equivalent to 1+(R2/(2)R1). if the load impedance on the amp output is 1K (very common), then the corner frequency at the output will also be about 15hz, so you will actually be 6db down at this point. the input corner frequency, however is 0.65hz, so the 10uf cap there isn't a real issue for audio. but the feedback loop and the output cap should be much larger, maybe 100uf each.
btw, the source of the op amp gain figures is the gain vs frequency plot in the data sheet for the TL071, and the source of the raw output resistance figure is the equivalent circuit schematic in the data sheet.
i know this is a long post, and i hope i didn't mangle the math too bad, but i'm trying to illustrate how to plug the variables in to the equations and get some useful results, and to not ignore the "gotchas" like Xc as part of the math. otherwise, i could say that the output impedance was 0.01 ohms at 20 hz, and if someone measured it with the output cap in place someone might say "WRONG! it's almost 800 ohms!!"
btw AG, i saw your post right after i posted this "book". not really, only 2 of the caps might have a "cascade" effect, the input cap turnover frequency is below 1 hz.