Input: variable voltage; Output: 3 LEDs switching depending on voltage.

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New Member
I'm trying to assemble a circuit that will switch between 3 LEDs depending on input voltage. Electronic knowledge is very-very basic, but I'm working on it. I want 3rd LED to blink when circuit switches to it. Looks like I can accomplish with 555 timer.

So... Let's say input voltage is 0-9v
0-4v - nothing
4-6v - 1st LED
6-8v - 2nd LED
8-9v - 3rd LED blinking.

I'd like to be able to adjust points where each LED lights up (couple pots?). I want them to switch without overlap.

Is there some kind of voltage sensing relay or something like that?... Please, point in the right direction. Thank you.
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Used to indicate if an aircraft alternator is charging. Voltage trip points can be seen in the plot. They can be altered quite easily.
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A way to do it is with a chip LM3914 in dot mode and a blinking LED for LED3; many pins of the IC will be unused and is adjustable. It is capable to drive a row of up to 10 leds by itself.
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