Instant Messenger

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Anyone here use any IM services? Forums are good and all but I like live chat sometimes and IRC is pretty much dead.
I'm Darknegation on AOL and Sceadwian on yahoo if anyone feels like adding me or posting their info
You can try .

It is a laser chatroom, but alot of electronics discussions happen there aswell.
The only communication program I use anymore is skype. It does everything the others do and seems to be more dependable. Last time I used them the MS IM clients tended to hog the system resources.
I use a client called Miranda, it supports virtually all IM services and even supports IRC, it's a bit of a pain to configure but it doesn't even require installation it can be run from a flash drive on any computer.

that quote sound sooooo familiar and so that from the Last Unicorn?
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Yes, it goes with the Avatar image. Watched it again with my wife and stepson last night and my ears perked up at the quote. Seemed appropriate and I've been looking to change it for a while.
If that's a cat it sure is funky lookin.

Yes, it goes with the Avatar image. Watched it again with my wife and stepson last night and my ears perked up at the quote. Seemed appropriate and I've been looking to change it for a while.

Can you post a bigger image of it so I can see it clearer.

These old eye's don't work to good anymore.

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