Integrating PIC ASM as a callable function from C18

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New Member
I have a large C18 project currently in place that requires a few functions to be tightly controlled in assembly language. Inline __asm isn't cutting it. Does anyone know of any documentation or existing projects have have a C18 calling a function from a MPASM compiled .asm file, as well as C18 functions being called from an assembly function?
Inline Assembly

Assembler code can be included in the C code, the block of assembly code starts with _asm and ends with _endasm:
[label:] [ [arg1[, arg2[, arg3]]]]
Have you taken a look at the library source code that's included with C18? As I remember it, the memcpy routine is written in assembler using the C18 calling conventions... that might provide you the skeleton you need for your routine.

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