Intel Hex Editor

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New Member
Hello all,

I am working on a MSP430 app. I m trying to write the SW version at a specific address location ( before the start of the code) , I couldn't do it. Having said that ,I figured a way to do it by editing the Intel HEX file generated by my compiler. The problem here is I need to compute the Checksum if I edit it.

My question here is do i get some free Intel HEx editor where I changed the Content and it automatically gets the Checksum fixed.

I tried googling it but no luck , so thought of asking the users.

Why do you need to calculate the checksum.

Download both hex2bin and bin2hex, I use a free (ish) tool called Ztree.... You can edit the binary then convert back to hex...
The problem here is I need to compute the Checksum if I edit it.

Hi Arun,
I created this in Open Office for a slightly different reason, but it will do what you want.
To use it, just remove the .txt extension. I exported it to .xls as well but I don't know if it will work properly, you'll have to try it.

Instructions are on screen when the spreadsheet is opened.


There is a slight correction - "Right-click & copy A23, then paste back into Hex file overwriting original line:"
..should be "Right-click & copy A24, then paste back into Hex file overwriting original line:"
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You are welcome.

Did you use the Open Office .ods version, or the exported Microsoft Excel .xls version?

I don't have MS Excel to try it on, so I am interested to see if the export works correctly.

It should look something like this if the export is successful (I had a message warning about the formatting)


  • Checksum_Calc.png
    110.6 KB · Views: 338
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