interface with at89c51ed2

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i have been trying to program my at89c51ed2 micrcontroller using flip. im using the rs232-usb converter for this purpose. the flip software connects the microcontroller. however when i try to run the erase,chek,program,verify routine, it gives me a time out error. it also says cannot write to port.

m using max232n for the rs232 interface.

if not the above , then pls tell me the procedure to setup rs232 port communication. im using flip programming tool
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This is what will happen if there is no serial port where you think there is one or if there is something wrong with the two way connection. The timeout is what happens when FLIP sends a query to the microcontroller and gets no response. There could be many reasons for this. Did you remember to hold PSEN* low when the processor came out of RESET? If not then you are not executing the bootloader.
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