Interfacing problem with 74HC166

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New Member
Dear Dudes/Dudies,
Iam back with another problem here, Actually iam trying to interface PISO (74HC166) with microcontroller (C8051F120). But iam unable to do that. Is there anything to attach i mean a piece of code or anything else? Waiting for ur suggestions. I have tried by giving clock from external. But no response from it.

Hope to see your valuable suggestions.

Please dont hesitate to ask if further classification needed.
1) Assert /PE and /CE low
2) Present parallel data at inputs
3) Toggle the clock input

Now your data byte is in register. To clock it out serially:

4) Assert /PE high
5) Toggle the clock input

With each rising edge of the clock, you get a bit out of the register. You may wish to assert /MR first to clear all bits to zero.
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