Interfacing ULN2003AN with 8051

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New Member
I need to control the speed of my dc series motor rated at 1000 rpm using 8051 and implementing fuzzy logic schemes.I could successfully complete the speed sensing part but do not understand how can the motor be loaded.Is it possible trhouh ULN driver.
Please help me.I am unable to proceed forward at all.
You can use ULN2003 if the power rating of the motor is below the max current the driver can supply. (If I remember correctly it is 250mW per transistor). Paralleling transistors increases current.

Keep in mind that the ULN2003 requires an active high output of the controlling IC.

Keep in mind that the quasi bi-directional output of ports 1, 2, and 3 cannot source current in the high state very well.

Remember also that port 0 has open drain outputs. They require an external pullup resistor.
Keep in mind that the quasi bi-directional output of ports 1, 2, and 3 cannot source current in the high state very well.

Remember also that port 0 has open drain outputs. They require an external pullup resistor.

which concludes: make the outputs active low and use inverters to control the ULN2003
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