Interfacing usb webcam with uC storing image inside SD card?

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New Member
Hi, i am new to electronics project
i am in a hard time for a project about picture processing

my project is to build a low cost surveillance camera module on a movable device
i plan to use a usb webcam and interface it with a microcontroller and store images into SD card

is it possible to do so? if so what model of microcontroller suggested to use?
if not is there any other way to implement a low cost camera and capture image from it and store in a SD card?

p/s:the cmucam suggestion is definately out of my project budget range
First off you need a micro-controller with USB host, and presumably some kind of hardware MPEG compression - if you expect to get any amount of video on an SD card.

It's not a job for a beginner, it's a VERY complicated project - and would make a good final university project.
ya, i am a electronics majoring university student and this is my fyp project title,
my university is lack on conducting classes that is useful for my project
i have stuck on this for almost a month without any progression in this part

i am required to take some snapshots in a regular interval only, raw picture data is ok

will it be more simple if i use this camera?
sgBotic - Vision

if i kept with my original idea
is AT90USB1287 or AT91SAM7 suitable as usb host microcontroller for a usb webcam?
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You've now changed your question dramatically, and made it a LOT simpler. That camera looks ideal for what you want, as you're only wanting intermittent still images, and it already includes JPEG compression for you.

I've no idea if those processors are USB host or not, presumably the datasheet tells you?. But for a start I would connect the camera to a PC, and develop it for that - then see about porting it to a micro.
for the camera by mean is the ucam or webcam?

I would suggest the serial camera, as it's MUCH more suitable for a micro.

what is the steps to develop it on PC?

Same as anything else, do it a stage at a time - but by doing it on a PC first it's far faster and has nuch better development support.
Same as anything else, do it a stage at a time - but by doing it on a PC first it's far faster and has nuch better development support.

can recommend any simulator software to develop on PC?
in Malaysia here the assignments is constructiong the circuit and straight writing C code and use SDCC and burn into uC and test the source code
i never know how to start with develop on PC first,
can intro on this?
what is the procedure on developing using PC?
I don't use C, but presumably Visual C has good development tools, certainly Delphi (that I use) has good tools.

As with any project, develop a section at a time.
i come across FT232BM when i reading through the net
does this IC can help me to change a usb webcam to rs232 protocal and so i can connect it to a max232 and connect it to a 8951 uC without using a USB host uC?
Hi I am also making a final year project, in which I have to interface a camera to 8051. The controller is just used to turn on the camera at certain times, so that a picture would be taken at that time. Do you think the camera you are using, would do this for me? Have you done your interfacing. May be you can tell me how to do it. And the website says, the camera is out of stock. have you bought yours? is it available in your area?
Can you also tell me whether you used the RS232 or ttl? Because ttl uses 3V, and microcontroller gives 5V.
i use the ttl , 3.3v or 5v supply is coming from voltage regulator, the connection is directly with EUSART , TTL is use to connect to the microcontroller EUSART , RS232 is to connect with computer serial com port
ok. But it is writen in the datasheet that max Vdc is 3.3V, then doesn't the 5V damage the camera? And by EUSART do you mean the serial communication pins RX and TX?
And this camera has storage as well? And how do we get to see the stored images? I couldn't find that in the datasheet
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