interfacing usb with microcontroller..

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hi all..

how we can interface usb port with a microcontroller as 8051..

can the circuit diagram be available on the net.. as this or similar to this one..




  • usb interface.jpg
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There is a one-chip solution using the FDTI chip. You don't need to use the MAX232 too. Schematic diagram is inside the datasheet of these chip.

Look here: **broken link removed**
I vouch for FTDI chip. Look into the FT232R 28-pin bridge. FTDI made is so easy for us by making the chip a drop in replacement. The usb drivers work flawlessly and require no touch for everyday ComPort protocal.

I struggle with the SSOP package but no big deal. Now if they would only make a few hunded SOIC packages just for little old me, I would consider worshiping the ground they hover over
blueroomelectronics said:
This cable makes it easy, it's already built.
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neat ... 11 pounds is kinda steep though.

consider a USB to Serial dongle to be the same thing, but with a db9 header instead of the sip header. There was a recent instructable detailing cutting the injection molded case off a dongle, desoldering the db9 and hacking the innards to expose the +5v logic level signals instead of +/- 10v rs232 levels.
thanks.. for all..

hi all,

thanks for all these and regards.. but somethings are not available in my place .. a small town in india...

can some alternative be found..

that is usb to DB9 converter...


If you can't find the simple, commonplace items, you're unlikely to be able to find more exotic solutions?.

All the options given above are really the same, simply using a USB/Serial converter, and your MCU only has to do a serial interface.

USB/Serial converters have been cheap and freely available for many years now, and should have worked their way through to India?.
hi all...


actually.. i am to see my pocket also.. i am sure.. they might be here..

ok.. no matter..

nigel.. you have told me usb to serial converter.. i am definitely noting that in my collection document..


actually.. i was seeking for usb to Db 9 converter...

Hi Nigel and everyone...

somehow i realised that i was seeking for USB to DB 9 converter...

if some possible help would be there then i'll be thankful ...


hi simran,

i also was looking for somthing same..
i have got this link
please check it..
may be it can help you.

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