interfacing with mobile phones

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New Member
hello all,

I have started a project to interface a microcontroller with a mobile phone. I'm still searching and thinking about the best way to interface to the mobile phone. all mobile phones have only bluetooth, infrared or usb protocols. I could not find any mobile phone with rs232 conector and API to use. Bluetooth could be used but it complicated and the adapters are expensive.

Does any body tried that ? any ideas about interfacing microcontroller with mobile phones?

I use at89cxxxx family, and nokia phones.

any help is appreciated.
Try searching on google - as you have a Nokia phone you will find LOT'S of information about connecting then to a micro-controller!.
I searched for than a month, I got ansowers that require using means like bluetooth, IR and usb.

some phones has a support emulated RS232 port over usb. If I use a USB-to-serial adaptor, would that work? I mean I connect the adaptor to the USB-enabled device a my controller.

thanx for any help

Try putting 'nokia serial interfacing' in to google, it's not hard?.
hey everyone , this is my first topic in this site and i hope to be firend of it
about this subject to make interface with mobile phone i have do a project for this and it was : control the car by mobile phone with bluetooth
i use for this buletooth headphone to recive DTMF from mobil phone and make some opration like speed , direction , security control
you can pick up the circuit in bluetooth headphone and connect the output to the MT8870 to transfer the DTMF signal to 4 bit afte that you can read this four bit form any microcontroller and i used for this project PIC 16F872 afer that i used some port to control car speed and direction and so on
ok that is thank you and sorry me if i make some wirtting mistake
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great idea osama.

Bluetooth is new for me but I have already studying it. I would like to know how my application will detect the headphone set (who can i find the device ID and service ID) and which protocol is used (L2CAP or RFCOM).

any information is very usful.

thanx for any help
thank you dear
for useing the bluetooth headphone to connect with any microcontroller :
bluetooth headphone uses this protocol : RF , Baseband and audio so there is no need to other protocol like L2CAp or any one coz this bluetooth headphone recevie the DTMF signals form mobile phone ...
try to connect your mobile phnoe to your bluetooth headphone , so when you press any key on the keypad you'll hear the DTMF tone , you can transfer this tone to 4 bits by use the IC MT8870 which transfer DTMF tone to 4 bits , then you can read this bits form microcontroller and make some program to control any thing
in this project no need to understand the bluetooth protocol coz it's not easy
so just bye a bluetooth headphone and i hope that you have mobile that include bluetooth
I have created a remote control device using bluetooth. Normal mobile phones with bluetooth can act as the remote hand held device. The reciever was built using a module from A7 engineering. We used the serial port profile to achieve it. Bluetooth has got many advatages when compared to FM and other wireless communications. With this remote any bluetooth mobile can be made into a handset by installing the software.
S/A i need to share this with you

I graduate this summer i was working in the same project as Osama mintione mobile control i make a similar project but i have a problem with the ic i used its the same as yours MT8870 in this you can see it in my web **broken link removed** i used it for home phone to test it but the problem that i have is : the ic can't detect the frequency of (or the numbers )12347 and * ,its works for just the first time and then it have this problem, i tried to change the ic for 4 times and still have the problem is there another ic to detect the tons or asolution for it.
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well.. ok..

froten said:
hello all,

I use at89cxxxx family, and nokia phones.

any help is appreciated.

Well.. Dont worry... you can do it very easily....

step 1: follow AT Commands or Hayes Commands from and download and read that page...

i think this hayes command etc. works on any mobile other than nokia ( please confirm it ) .... because... Nokia uses serial port called Fbus and M bus...

step 2: interface this mobile phone with microcontroller through connector from any shop and send commands while reading from the chart downloaded from wikipedia.. with the delay of approx 0.5 seconds..


if you still want to work in nokia then:

search ' F-bus interfacing M bus interfacing with microcontrollers ' . or similar...


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Replace the two 5.6V Zenners & place two 1N4148 back to back diodes there.
Your input FILTER caps ok (0.1uF). But if you change that you will see some different.

Sometimes when checking the steering LED (STD) it won’t (go high) detect a valid DTMF tone pair but the tone can hear from the receiver. So micro cannot detect the external interrupt occur signal.

Earlier there were complaining from customers, the SECURITY PRODUCTS they bought for there houses can activate from any phone by calling & dialing some numbers to there home land line. It uses this same old IC.

When they activating their security systems by mobile phones it won’t activate anymore.
Specially the low frequency pair buttons 1, 2, 3. So they won’t recommend mobile phones to this DTMF circuit.

But we need wireless ones
Gayan Soyza said:
Specially the low frequency pair buttons 1, 2, 3. So they won’t recommend mobile phones to this DTMF circuit.

But we need wireless ones
what about taking the input from the speakers line
like in this schematic.
can it solve some thing or still the same prob


  • Dtmf.JPG
    10.8 KB · Views: 923
I was able to build my SMS Controller Device using Nokia 3310 on FBUS, it can control many devices and read inputs as you want, I got my information from Wayne Peacock's, you have to change phone numbers particular to your country, learn to code and decode PDU , understand FBUS and the rest would be easy.
Nokia 3310 SMS control
Friends,I have written this tutorial for all those who wish to understand the FBUS protocol for Nokia 3310/5110/6110 (older nokia) controlling with 89S52.Pls go through this page and hit on tutorial there. I will soon upload hex code for AT89S52
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