Trying to settle on an oscillator for my project. This will be on a 18F4620. The program will not be too complicated, a bunch of slow digital I/O for monitoring alarm points, communication with a cellular modem at 9600 baud over the hardware USART, connection to an LCD display and communication to a RTC via I2C. This is being designed for a temperature range of -30 to +60C.
I was hoping to use the internal oscillator (8MHz), with or without the 4x PPL enabled (32MHz). My concern is if the temperature swing will cause enough variation to cause problems with the USART comms.
I was initially thinking that 9600 was so slow that it would not be a big deal, but then I was thinking that the slower the baud rate, the more important it would be as a given percentage would equate to a bigger time displacement? Not sure which way to look at it. I assume the I2C is not a concern as it is synchronous.
Any opinions?