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New Member

I am very new to this and am currently using PIC logicator to flow chart the programs and dowmload to the PIC16F84.
I have written a program hat works with interrupts. When the output is 1 it runs this code to check if the other switch has been pressed. If it has then you are successful and a green led displays. If it hasn't then a red led displays.
However when i program this and try it the red led is on straight away. This means that the outputs are a 1. I am using a push switch and my understanding of them was that they remained 0 until you pushed them and they went to 1. I dont think it matters which way you turn it around.

Anyone any ideas how to getthis circuit up and running???
There could be a few problems I can think of, I've never used PIC Logicator so I don't know if some of these apply.

You haven't used a pull down resistor so the input is floating which can cause many problems.
You are using a push to break switch so it opposite to what you've programmed it to be.
You haven't turned off all your output before starting - I know this can cause problems when writing in PICBasic.
You haven't defined which pins are inputs and outputs.

Hope one of these helps
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