Interupts ( wakeing up a chip) How? (12f629)

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I have been pulling my hair out trying to figure how to make 12f629 wake up after sleep on a High input at GPIO.3 are any pin!
Im trying to do in basic, but every example I can find is for other chips and I cant figure how to cross the code (port).

Anyone have anything I can look at for th2 12f629/625 ?

1Steveo said:
I have been pulling my hair out trying to figure how to make 12f629 wake up after sleep on a High input at GPIO.3 are any pin!
Im trying to do in basic, but every example I can find is for other chips and I cant figure how to cross the code (port).

Study the datasheets and try it in assembler, does your BASIC compiler specifically support the 12F629?.

Without a reasonable working knowledge of assembler you are always going to be severely limited when PIC programming. An obvious thing to check is the code the compiler is producing, but you need assembler knowledge to do that.
I've read through a Basic manual, but I forgot which basic is that. If not mistaken, that Basic does not support interrupt.
I have gotten wakeup to work in assembly for the 629, but only on GPIO 5, the INT pin. what kind of interrupts are you tring to use? GPIO change I am assuming...?
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