Linux does not use (or rather not need) filename suffixes for executable files, any file or script can be executable if its attributes are set correctly - though obviously the file content must be appropriate.
The operating system files are partly in the boot partition; that's where the OS kernel, some drivers and ram filesystem image are kept.
Assuming ubuntu loads in the same way as redhat - the support files and drivers the kernel needs to boot are stored in a ramdisc, and the entire contents of that saved to a single file.
The bootloader sets up a ramdisc and loads that file so the kernel can access the hardware as it starts up.
The rest of the OS stuff & utilities is typically in /bin & /sbin, with the commands for non-privileged users in /usr/bin and /usr/sbin
On a small system they may be the same directories, with eg. /usr/sbin being a symlink to /sbin
That's another difference from windows - Unix type systems use filesystem links very heavily, so files or directories can appear in more than one location with only one actual file or directory.
Think of them a bit like Windows shortcuts, where several can point to the same item, but at much lower level in the filesystem itself rather than a script-type file like in windows.
The name you see at the prompt is the present user name plus the machine name - so you know what you are looking at when connecting to more than one machine. I'd suggest naming machines by function, eg. "rpi_dvr" or similar for that, from what you say it will be used for.
The windows "cmd" equivalent is the terminal in linux, and you have or can have multiple ones.
On a normal linux system, typically alt-F1 to alt-F6 selects the one you are using at any time, or you can connect more than once over SSH with each connection being a separate terminal.
ls is list directory, cd change directory, pwd shows the current directory, clear clears the terminal screen.
ls -l gives a long formal listing with attributes and ownership etc.
The entries that have two names and -> are symlinks to other files.
ls -a lists all, including hidden. ls -la long listing with hidden (those starting with a dot) etc.
If you look for linux command cheat sheet there are many, eg.
A cheat sheet of the commands I use most for Linux, with popup links to man pages.
Not sure on the file properties stuff you mention - is that from a graphical interface?? I only use the command line tools - chmod & chown etc.
To add your own files or other stuff, the usual places are either under your home directory or make directories in /usr
Or for data that's changing regularly /var
If you are storing video, I'd suggest a separate device rather than the boot SD card. When you connect it, it will probably auto-mount, likely under /media
A storage device mounts to an existing directory, and the content appears as files or directories within the mount point. The mount point must be an empty directory; if you write anything to it without the device mounted, it cannot be remounted until the directory is emptied again.
I'd suggest you install "mc" - Midnight Commander. That's something like the original Xtree for dos & makes it easier to navigate the system from a terminal.
sudo apt install mc
then just mc to run it.
ps. It should be "sudo" in front of a privileged command to run it as a normal user; su changes the session totally to a different use.
Hope that's some help!