introduction to Zilog programming

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New Member
I'm new in microcontroller priogramming.I have the zilog software but idon't know hopw to use it.Please help me with links,e-books,article,attachements etc.Your kind rensponse will be highly appreciated.
thuoeg said:
I'm new in microcontroller priogramming.I have the zilog software but idon't know hopw to use it.Please help me with links,e-books,article,attachements etc.Your kind rensponse will be highly appreciated.
Zilog made made/makes more then 1 process and software.

Which processor? What software ? What tools are included in the software?

Without this information no can can help you.
I, working with Z8 Encore 2.My objective is to have basic knownledge of microcontroller programming,which i can use to control parameters such as temperature,humidity etc.Please help.Thank in advance
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