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New Member
Since I couldn't find a more appropriate location I thought I would post my introduction here, if this isn't the appropriate location I ask one of the admins to move it for me.

I have been trolling oops I mean Lurking here for a couple of weeks. There is some very good information on this site and some very helpful people. I hope to be one of the later as well.

Rather than go on and on here if you are interested in my background and what I am working on then visit my electronics blog at Mark's Electronics Blog

Thanks for the website and I will be posting regularly.
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Welcome to the forums Mark. Don't get too addicted, or you'll never finish your CNC machine.
Hi Mark,

Welcome! From the look of your blog you have a lot to bring to the forum--glad to have you around.


well this site has been the place where experts gather together from their respective sites... looking forward for your participation here!
Thanks everyone, I hope I may be of some small value. I know I will gain much from the site.

I hope the bit in bold is a joke!!

Seriously though, welcome aboard.
How are you finding working with CAMBAM & Mach3?
Andy Payne & Art Fennerty (amongst others) have done some great work toward bringing affordable CNC to the DIYers.
Along with Roman Black (Creator of the LiniStepper) who is on this forum under the name of Mr RB.
Well it was more of a confession than a joke but typically I don't jump right into the discussion when I first join a site. I tend to see what the climate is like first.
As I become older I have found greater appreciation for sharing and helping those that I can and an appreciation for those that do offer assistance, such as those you have mentioned. I was amazed with the work that had been shared with the CNC community by those folks. As for the software packages, both promise to be very solid packages. I honestly haven't spent enough time with either yet to do them justice.
Perhaps the joke has been slightly misunderstood Mark ;-)

Instead of 'trolling', you were previously simply 'lurking' and that is not a bad thing by any means.

'Trolling' on the other hand, IS a bad thing.... a 'troll' is someone who makes posts simply to annoy, provoke or bait other members and gain a response likely to result in a ban. See here: **broken link removed**)

Well it was more of a confession than a joke but typically I don't jump right into the discussion when I first join a site. I tend to see what the climate is like first.
Cloudy with a chance of trolls, just skirt those distasteful threads =) Unlike myself which dive in an end up getting hung. I'm a glutton for punishment though.

If you ever feel the need for a proper education on trolling checkout any of the climate change or global warming threads here in **** chat.

There reality and forum rules take a backseat to ego's, arrogance, ignorance, general stupidity, and very little educational stuff ever gets looked at with any real open minded view!

Basicaly its just like being back in high school in a way except we take turns being the incompetent teachers and the disruptive students.

And welcome the club!
LOL, I apologize for my ignorance to the Internet jargon for troll and it's negative connotation (actually it seems like I knew that at one time but forgot). Yes, Lurking would have been the appropriate term.

I try to avoid the harassing type of threads you speak of. Life is too short to let those types of things get your blood pressure up. Besides, I have been reading a lot of self improvement books lately around being a good manager and I am trying to listen more aggressively rather than speak that way.

Thanks guys,

Just don't even gently imply that anyone's a fool, ignorant or a troll, even if they are otherwise you could face an infraction and month's ban.

There's a signature quote somewhere on one of the forums I visit, it might even be here......

"You have two ears and one mouth - you should listen twice as much as you speak" or something very similar.

Pretty good one IMHO. (N.B. this is not directed at anybody.)
how 'bout your sig Mick? Urgh.

It was one that I'd had and displayed for about six months. Nobody had complained about it.
It went along the lines of "If you don't have anything productive to offer....****"
Someone commented on it's intended message and I wrote that it was directed at those who simply choose to slam other people's ideas (none of my own, since I haven't posted any) whilst offering not a single scrap of help. Trolls in one form or another??
I raised the issue in a post as to whether it was offensive.
The acronym was deemed unacceptable and the whole sig deleted.
That is the end of my protests I guess.
I haven't bothered to look for another one.....
If I remember rightly it was "If you don't have anything productive to offer, Shut The Flamingheck Up"
If I remember rightly it was "If you don't have anything productive to offer, Shut The Flamingheck Up"

Your memory is impeccable Hero, but them there interwebs have a very different interpretation and unfortunately, that one takes precedence...
I skipped some posts, so someome else may have already said: I think the word you were looking for is LURKING.

Anyway, welcome!
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