invalid internal memory size isis

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New Member
I'm trying to interface 8086 to 8255 to blink leds in sequence. However, the simulation in proteus is throwing up the following error:
invalid internal memory size == NULL (internal memory mode)
attached image file of the layout

Please Help...
.model tiny
creg		equ		06h
mov	al,80h
out creg,al
x1:		mov		al,00		;reset bit PC0
		out		creg,al
		mov		al,03		;set bit PC1
		out		creg,al
		mov		al,05		;set bit PC2
		out		creg,al
		call	delay_1ms
		mov		al,01		;set bit PC0
		out		creg,al
		mov		al,02		;reset bit PC1
		out		creg,al
		mov		al,05		;set bit PC2
		out		creg,al
call		delay_1ms
		mov		al,01
		out		creg,al
		mov		al,03
		out		creg,al
		mov		al,04
		out		creg,al
		call	delay_1ms
		jmp		x1


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