IP phones can be used to transfer data? aka images and pc files?

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Is it really worth it to switch to IP phones in a big company for example? instead of regular phone lines?

And I heard that you can use them for data exchange.......is this right?
sram said:
Is it really worth it to switch to IP phones in a big company for example? instead of regular phone lines?

And I heard that you can use them for data exchange.......is this right?

Hi sram,

I don't know whether it's worth it for a big company to switch. I don't know what "big" means. Are we talking 100 people in a building here, or are we talking GE?

Presumably the company has some form of PBX in place. What does the IP phone system you're looking at offer compared to the existing PBX? What do the respective systems cost? Do you have a sample of phone records or at least costs over a significant period of time?

As to the question of whether you can send data over an IP phone, I can't think of any reason you'd want to--you already have the net connection there; wouldn't you just use that to send your data?

sram said:
Anybody? I'm searching but I feel I still need somebody's input
no doubt at all
Certain telecom companies are even going for ip based switches, there is noyhing wrong to drift to ip switches. the interconnection between differents units of a BIG company(not co-located) should be done with proper bandwidth depending on traffic.
By big, I meant about 1000 people. I'll try to clarify.

Why would one switch??? is there a reason?

What would one need to change in his company to be able to use ip-phones? If:
1- The company is using the traditional phone lines and has ip-networking infrastructure
2- The company is using the traditional phone lines but does not have ip-networking infrastructure

Articles I read says it is cheaper, so why not everybody is switching?

Can you do it yourself at your home? You have an internet connection and the pal you want to talk to also have one....so why not? And it is ganna be free this way because you are only paying for your internet connection...right? And if this is realy the case, why would one use the expensive traditional international calls??

Can I make an ip phone call a traditional phone? and how?

Because it's lower quality, and less reliable - it would be a poor advert for a decent company.
Question for Sram (OP)...
What kind of IP phone are you referring to? Is it the Vonage/Skype kind of phone, or the Cisco kind of IP phone? (Thousands of mid to large-sized companies already use the Cisco type of IP phone and the service providers have Sun servers on the other end with 99.999% or 99.9999% uptime/reliability. Phone calls on this is crystal clear - it's like a traditional phone line.)
Nigel Goodwin said:
Because it's lower quality, and less reliable - it would be a poor advert for a decent company.

Dear Sir, you are correct if one configures two Ip exchanges over Internet on ip protocall.
but if we have dedicated bandwidth and media on hire and interconnect two such switches they work very fine. Also , as a single exchange and with digital PCM junctions (based on spce switch method,) to outside world , it should work fine.

Generally we used to see from indian telecom scenario, that international long distance service providers use this technique and these type exchanges to cope for economy in the compititive world.

Don't really know, I'm new to them. I was asked to see if it is ganna be good to switch to them and what will this require.

Are you saying that there are two types?
the voip based communication devices are different from IP based telecom switches and these IP based switches will work fine as far as my little knowledge(with 40 year telecom service) in telecom speaks.
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mvs sarma said:
the voip based communication devices are different from IP based telecom switches and these IP based switches will work fine as far as my little knowledge(with 40 yera telecom service) in telecom speaks.

Can you please elaporate?
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