Hey guys. Thanks for hanging in there with the mobile version. I know it's pretty crap but it was the best thing provided from vbulletin and as usually it's full of bugs and problems. There is going to be a very big release which will be coming out in a few weeks and it will be good enough to use here. As soon as it comes out I'll be loading it up and tweaking with a similar style.
I didn't like him when he did't have a ipod "just kidding" Atom a great guy and has posted a lot of great C code
Them ipod are nice my kids are getting two of them ipod touch there really useful
I'm thinking about a tablet that way I can use it at work to look up systematic's. They say battery life is way better then a laptop. And it would fit in my tool bag.
Hey Burt, heh. My Son is 5 and has had a ipod touch for a year now. He loves it. Im thinking about getting me the iPad 2 and giving him this one.Tablets are cool too... just dont get a netbook the size of the screens dont let you have any fun.