IR communication based in 16f628a

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New Member
HI everyone

This project it's work fine, just verify the power supply, and regulator.
you can use it in any aaplication


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I suggest you have a look at my tutorials which implement Sony SIRC's remote control transmitter and receiver with a 16F628.
hi guys i need some one to help me with an RF communications.
i need two 16f628's to communicat
eg; multi channel remote control

it does not have to RF it could be IR still the same.

all i have done is the starting bit and then send 27H as a massage

and i want the reciver to respond to the 27H

please help guys. prefered ASM file


As above, check my tutorials.
First thing, use the MicroChip provided include files, don't assign the port names etc. yourself, this just causes confustion, and it completely pointless.

Second, use loops, don't do each bit separately.

Assuming this is supposed to be a wired RS232 type connection, don't forget start and stop bits.
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