IR Diode Driver

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New Member
Hi All,

Im fairly new to electronics and would like to build my own laser driver however, I need to to supply an input of 2.2V and 1Amp how could I achieve this??


Circuit driver/regulator for LASER Diode

Hi all. would anyone here know how to make a laser driver/regulator that would support 2.2V and 1A to IR diode I'm trying to power I'm fairly new to electronics have basic experience with them but still a newby. Im doing this purely for educational purposes.
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look up lm317 or lm338 regulator, should give a start, the data sheet has some examples.
Yes. I don't mind buying one first then building one but i cannot find anything. battery + driver (needs 2.2v and 1A current) + diode right?
Would a ghostdriver2 power it? Im unsure because of the high voltage and current that it has... over 2.2v and 1A... i don't mind buying one before i build one just to test some things out.
2.2 v is not very high voltage.
Some types of laser require monstrous high voltage and high current power supplies. So big that they cannot provide that power continuously!

I was about to suggest you the LM317 on constant current mode

Keep in mind that the voltage and current not only affects the laser brightness, also its service life. Providing a heat sink for the diode may be also required.

Read the article at Sam's site

How are you going to measure the diode's performance? It's IR!
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The third schematic down on this link is a constant current source that will give 1 amp.

You could power it from a 12v battery, the efficiency will be horrible and you'll need a large heatsink, but its a start to get the thing working and only uses 2 components, the resistor needs to be 7w min.

A 2.5a fuse is also a good idea in case something shorts.
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I don't know as of yet just trying to get it working first, was hoping someone could give me a diagram that i could follow??
As Joe told you, an LM317 will do the trick. Somewhat unsafe way, but it will do.

**broken link removed**

Much better if you use it as a constant current supply, see the link on the previous post.

Just curious, how are you going to measure the diode's output, as IR is invisible?
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thanks Dr. Pepper, I'm extremely basic with this but i have a massive heatsink for it so ill be okay with that. so input would be the battery? whats the 220nf? and output would be wired to my diode but its got a positive and negative leg
No pal, your eyes will only see wavelengths from about 390 to 750 nm.

You can use that IR light to pump a die and only then obtain (for example) green, but that's black magic for everyone except laser hobbyists.

Better if you use a blue or red laser from a CD or Blu-ray unit to experiment.
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12 volts why??! He only needs 2.2 volts, the drop out voltage of of the 7805 is 2.5 volts, so all he needs is a 5 volt supply, it'll only dissipate 2 watts, might not even need a heatsink. The diode itself more than likely will.
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