IR LED Test Circuit

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I have a friend who works in an electronic component shop but has no background on electronics. When it comes to IR Transmitters/Receivers of the LED type, the stock comes to him without labels so he has a hard time figuring out which ones are the transmitters and which ones are the receivers.The IR LEDs go from middle man to middle man so things get jumbled up in the end.

Hence, I would like to build for him a very basic circuit which tests whether or not the IR LED is a tx or rx one by test-attaching the LEDs to the circuit via turn pins.

The circuit is very basic whereby if I "assume" LEDA to be of the TX type and LED B of the RX type, I attach them to their respective Tx and Rx holes(turn pins). If an on board LED lights up the assumption is then correct.

Attached is the design, my question would be this:
Would this circuit work for every kind of IR LED? Is there such thing as an IR LED which only works when paired to it's special counterpart or are all IR LEDs able to be mixed and matched when pairing Tx and Rx kinds.



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I would first sort them into emitters and detectors using a video cam in a darkened room, the emitters should be the brightest spot on the view screen.

Then use your circuit for matching.
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