IR Transmitter and Receiver

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New Member
Dear all,

I am fairly new to PIC. I have searched for so long on how to build
IR transmitter and receiver back to back. I am trying to build two robot,
each have, so called IR Transceiver (IR Transmitter and Receiver back
to back). So when one transmits, the other robot can receive, vise versa.
I have found some schematics on how to build these but I am still little bit
confused. The following diagram is from the following website.

Please take a look at the diagram that I have posted and could any of you
please confirm that my thinking is correct or not? I would very appreciate
it for all the help I can get.

If I build a circuit as I have shown as an attachment, will it work??

Thank you all for your advice and for your opinion.


  • IR Transceiver.jpg
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