IR Transmitter Circuit for TSOP17xx

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New Member
Hi, I am making a project and I intent to use the TSOP17xx IR receiver(picture attached), the thing is that this sensor only provides low out put when certain conditions are met, the IR transmitter should blink at a certain frequency as mentioned by the xx in the name and that IR led should also take a brief gap between those blinks.

That is, the sensor will only detect IR at a certain frequency and only if there are gaps between the blinks as well, i.e. a gap of 5 periods after every 10periods or so, as told by the datasheet, this sensor will not accept the ir input if it blinks at the desired frequency continuously.

I have to put 5 of these sensors and I don't know how to generate that special wave which is required for the transmitter IRs, I don't want to use a micro controller to generate the wave, is there any other way. currently I have sensors of 36kHz.

I have also attached the datasheet of the sensor as well. I want to use simple IR Leds as transmitters.


THANKS IN ADVANCE TO THOSE WHO WILL HELP ME... though I will be coming back here for the response...


  • TSOP1738.png
    3.7 KB · Views: 378
  • 82030.pdf
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