IR wall detection -- physical setup.

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Coop Build Coordinator
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After posting this I realized that most of what I am asking is impossible to answer due to the charistics of specific parts. Just the same any pointers are welcome.

I need to demo how this at school soon. I have a receiver on a breadboard and code on the processor that detects the low from the receiver. So far I have only tested it with a TV remote which puts out too strong an IR signal. I can bounce it off the ceiling and it still sees it. (That is expected)

I could come up with this by working with it but if anyone can give me a starting point it would be very helpful. Could save me some time.

The questions I have is about setting up the IR LEDs. I am going to be driving them with a PIC port pin. How much of a resistor is required to reduce the current through each LED such that it will have enough but not too much IR. I know I could also cut the duty cycle of the 40KHz back to less then 50%. If ones goes that route how low of a duty cycle will the TSOP receiver work with?

I plan to use 2 IR LEDs with a receiver in the middle \ | / only one LED will be active at a time. The idea is to check to the left and the right.

Currently I have 3 choices of LEDs
17 degree angle
25 degree angle
Radio Shack Clear unknown angle
Radio Shack Grey unknown angle

Which LEDs and what angle between the detector and the receiver.
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Check my website that includes just what you're looking for

**broken link removed**

and the original site
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