IRF 531 Mosfet: Searching high and low

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New Member
I'm trying to do a motor-control project using an n-channel mosfet. So far I've had limited success with the IRF 510 version, and now I want to compare the performance to couple of IRF 531s I have.

The problem is I can't find any datasheets on IRF531's. Searches through Google, Digikey, Allied, Jamco, and various manufacturers have turned up nothing useful. To make matters worse, the few bits of information I've found on it are inconsistant; and no one can seem to agree on wheter it's a 60v MOSFET or an 80v. :? I'm not looking for major details here, just maube a pinout and recommended specs. Can someone help me locate this data?
Here you go...


  • irf130-133_530-533.pdf
    180.6 KB · Views: 318
  • irf531.pdf
    70.7 KB · Views: 327
Thanks but I'm having some trouble downloading those PDFs. (Maybe this is just temporary). Can you tell me the pin assignment for the 531?
DigiTan said:
Thanks but I'm having some trouble downloading those PDFs. (Maybe this is just temporary). Can you tell me the pin assignment for the 531?
looking at the part #
from left to right
gate -drain - source.
i have checked all over .. i have searched ,,but i did find some info on the IRF 510 which is also an N-channel mosfet
google 276-2072
its the radio shack part number...
anyway each and every one that i looked at were gate drain source..
left to right ,looking at the part number..
DigiTan said:
Thanks but I'm having some trouble downloading those PDFs. (Maybe this is just temporary). Can you tell me the pin assignment for the 531?

Right click on download then choose 'save target as' and save it on your harddrive first.
Then you can open them.
that works much better
Thanks guys! This was a humongous help!

Alright, I just have one more question. In the IRF531 and 510 datasheets, they explain that the design avoids "secondary breakdown." What exactly secondary breakdown? I'm guessing this might have something to do with my drain-source voltages?
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