IRFP450A replacement with IRFP460N on SIEG X2/LTF058213220 mini drill SIEG-FC350SMD Board

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Hi, I have an LTF058213220 mini drill that it is similar to Sieg X2 mini drill. Mini drill use SIEG-FC350SMD / SIEG-FAMOUS DC motor control board. Now I have a problem because when I switch on mini drill, fuse burn out and the general current will out of the way. I checked on the board and one of Q1 IRFP450A 193H is broken (I don't know if there are other boards problem but for now I discovered this one. I want replace IRFP and then check if there are other component broken). I want to replace IRFP450A but I can't find quickly from italian sellers. I found only IRFP460N. Can I replace both IRFP450A with two IRFP460N without changing other electronics component? I attached IRFP450A broken photo and schematic board. Thanks.


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The IRFP460 has rather higher gate capacitance, which would cause slower switching and higher power dissipation.

Without knowing the PWM frequency the machine uses, there is no way of knowing if it would be detrimental or not.

I'd stick with the IRFP450 if at all possible.
Agree! I'd also stick with the IRFP450 to avoid any potential problems.
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